in reply to Calling C++ functions from Perl without using xsubpp

Inline::CPP does pretty much what you're asking. It doesn't completely absolve you from studying perlguts, but it's a big step in that direction.

use Inline CPP => 'DATA'; my $sum = add( 2, 4 ); print "$sum\n"; __DATA__ __CPP__ #include <iostream> int add( int x, int y ) { return x + y; }

There are C++ constructs that don't map well to Perl. For one thing, your C++ compiler has no idea how Perl intends to call a function, so template-based functions and classes need to be instantiated in a concrete C++ function or class wrapper before being exposed to Perl. But once you get familiar with the large subset of C++ that does map well to Perl, Inline::CPP is pretty fun to use. I've even spent some time verifying its compatibility with the new C++11 standard (much of it "just works" as it should, with a few exceptions in predictable places).

The Inline::CPP documentation (always a work in progress) is improving, and should get you going in the right direction. I also recommend reading Inline, Inline::C, and Inline::C-Cookbook. Lots of reading, I know. But each of those resources gets you closer to being productive in this funky art. The Inline::C-Cookbook, in particular, demonstrates how to manipulate the Perl stack within your C or C++ functions.

Also, the tests found in the Inline::CPP distribution under t/ and grammar/t demonstrate many C++ constructs at work. And Math::Prime::FastSieve is a sort of "proof of concept" and example of using Inline::CPP.

Advanced Perl Programming (2nd Edition) has a chapter that discusses the Inline modules (Inline::C in particular, but much is applicable to Inline::CPP). And Sam Treagar's book, "Writing Perl Modules for CPAN" has a chapter on Inline::C too.

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