in reply to Help with regular expression

A solution using the Marpa::XS parser:
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Marpa::XS; use Data::Dumper; main(); { package MyParser; sub pass_tree { shift } sub create_node { my (undef, undef, $name, undef, $value) = @_; return [$name => $value]; } sub create_seq { my (undef, @nodes) = @_; return \@nodes; } sub add_nodes { my (undef, undef, $name, undef, $nodes) = @_; return [ $name => $nodes ]; } sub Tree { return $_[1]; } } sub main { my $grammar = init_grammar(); my $rec = init_recognizer($grammar); my $input = do { local $/ = undef ; <DATA> }; lex($input, $rec); while (my $val = $rec->value) { print Dumper $val; } } sub init_grammar { my $grammar = Marpa::XS::Grammar->new ({ start => 'Tree', actions => 'MyParser', default_action => 'pass_tree', rules => [ [ 'Tree', ['Node'] ], [ 'Tree', ['Leave'] ], [ 'Node', [qw/( Name = Value )/], ' +create_node'], [ 'Node', [qw/( Name = NodeSeq )/], ' +add_nodes'], { lhs => 'NodeSeq', rhs => [qw/Node/], min => 1, a +ction => 'create_seq' }, ], }); $grammar->precompute; } sub init_recognizer { my $grammar = shift; my $rec = Marpa::XS::Recognizer->new({ grammar => $grammar, # trace_terminals => 1, # trace_actions => 1, # trace_values => 1 }); } sub lex { my ($input, $rec) = @_; while (length $input) { if ($input =~ s/^([()])//) { my $success = $rec->read($1); last if ! $success or $success == 0; } elsif ($input =~ s/^([^()=]+)=([^()=]+)//) { $rec->read('Name', $1); $rec->read('='); $rec->read('Value', $2); } elsif ($input =~ s/^([^()=]+)=//) { $rec->read('Name', $1); $rec->read('='); } else { $input =~ s/^\s+// or die "Invalid input at $input\n"; } } die "Cannot parse: $input.\n" if $input =~ /\S/; } __DATA__ (S=( (I1=(IN=s%1)(NM=1) (HL=(HLD=kkk kjkjk)(ST=abdc)(HI=REM SSS)(H_M=9)(HL=72)(EB=0) +(ER=0)(HI=E043-93A-DF0-0AB63E)(PE=aaa)(HN=DEE)(SS=NS)(SED=(APR=(PAD=k +kk)(PN=9905)(HH=llkjk))(DD=(LLL=kkk)))) (ppp=1)(RAW=kkk)(DN=kkk)(RIN=ppp)) (PPP=1) (AA=LLI))
Update: Hashes cannot be used easily, because the "key" can be repeated (as in HI). Switched to arrays.
Update 2: Simplified the code.
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