Roboz has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello Perl Monks! I have an XML file similar to the following:

<booklist> <book> <author>Book 1 author 1</author> <author>Book 1 author 2</author> <title>Book 1 title</title> <isbn>Book1ISBN</isbn> </book> <book> <author>Book 2 author 1</author> <author>Book 2 author 2</author> <title>Book 2 title</title> <isbn>Book2ISBN</isbn> </book> <book> <author>Book 3 author 1</author> <author>Book 3 author 2</author> <author>Book 3 author 3</author> <title>Book 3 title</title> <isbn>Book3ISBN</isbn> </book> </booklist>

I would like to loop through this file and output each book's XML code including the opening and closing book tags. I've tried parsing the XML file with XML::Simple using XMLin and that gives me a data structure like so:

$VAR1 = { 'book' => [ { 'isbn' => 'Book1ISBN', 'title' => 'Book 1 title', 'author' => [ 'Book 1 author 1', 'Book 1 author 2' ] }, { 'isbn' => 'Book2ISBN', 'title' => 'Book 2 title', 'author' => [ 'Book 2 author 1', 'Book 2 author 2' ] }, { 'isbn' => 'Book3ISBN', 'title' => 'Book 3 title', 'author' => [ 'Book 3 author 1', 'Book 3 author 2', 'Book 3 author 3' ] } ] };

I'm really at a loss as how I would loop throught this to output the XML. I think the data structure is confusing me. I need the XML chunks to be identical to the input. I'm assuming I would use XMLout. Or maybe something completely different? Thanks in advance for any pointers!