#!/usr/bin/env perl use 5.010; use strict; use warnings; # Original code #say for glob '{' . join('}-{' => map { join ',' => split } ) . '}'; # Read raw data # @data_lines will be: ('1 2', '3 4 5', '6 7', '8 9') my @data_lines = ; # Convert spaces to commas by splitting each string on whitespace # to form a list whose elements are joined with commas # @spaces_to_commas will be: ('1,2', '3,4,5', '6,7', '8,9') my @spaces_to_commas = map { join ',' => split } @data_lines; # Join those strings with '}-{' # $brace_dash_brace_string will be '1,2}-{3,4,5}-{6,7}-{8,9' my $brace_dash_brace_string = join('}-{' => @spaces_to_commas); # Add opening and closing braces # $glob_string will be: '{1,2}-{3,4,5}-{6,7}-{8,9}' my $glob_string = '{' . $brace_dash_brace_string . '}'; # Finally glob '{1,2}-{3,4,5}-{6,7}-{8,9}' say for glob $glob_string; __DATA__ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9