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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
I am trying to run the following programme but the following errors are being complained which I am not able to sort it out!!! syntax error at checkdataperl.p line 249, near "for" syntax error at checkdataperl.p line 250, near "++) " syntax error at checkdataperl.p line 286, near "}" Execution of checkdataperl.p aborted due to compilation errors. Dear Monks pls help me??? #!/usr/local/bin/perl print("\n \nWelcome !! Please input the response very carefully in this programme whenever asked for \n Now please ensure that before running the programme you have run the vp29apr programme for the corresponding hour and also the 1d files for the j or t hour as applicable are has also been run upon \n Now please enter the hour for which you want to check the data quality (a,b,..x) \n?" ); $hour=<STDIN>;chop($hour); print("you entered ", $hour ,"\n"); $comparison=3;@arrone=();@arrtwo=(); @array=("o","p","q","r","s","u","v","w","x","a","b"); if ($hour eq "j") { $comparison=$hour; } elsif($hour eq "t") { $comparison=$hour; } else { for($n=0;$n<=10;$n++) { if($array$n eq $hour) { $comparison="t"; } } } if($comparison ne "t") { if($comparison ne $hour) { $comparison = "j"; } } print("\n the value of comparison is ", $comparison ,"\n"); print ("\n Please enter the allocation no. from which you want to check the data (1-60) \n"); $allocin=<STDIN>;chop($allocin); print ("\n",$allocin,"\n"); use PGPLOT; # Load PGPLOT module print "\nTesting simple point plot...\n\n"; print "PGPLOT module version $PGPLOT::VERSION\n\n"; pgqinf("VERSION",$val,$len); print "PGPLOT $val library\n\n"; # "?" will prompt for device $dev = "/xw" unless defined $dev; pgbegin(0,$dev,1,1); # Open plot device pgscf(2); # Set character font pgslw(4); # Set line width pgsch(1.6); # Set character height #pgask(false); for ($alloc=$allocin;$alloc<=60;$alloc++) { print ("\n",$alloc,"\n"); $i=0;$m=0;$p=0; print "\n We are checking data quality for hour=$hour Alocation= $alloc \n"; $astatname="/tmp_mnt/usr4/mrt/vinayPandey/name".$alloc.$hour."1.astat"; $onedname="/tmp_mnt/usr4/mrt/vinayPandey/name".$alloc.$hour."1.1d" ; if ($comparison ne $hour) { $caldet="/usr4/mrt/vinayPandey/caldet".$alloc.$comparison."1.1d"; open(CALDET,$caldet); $c2=0; $line=<CALDET>; while( $line ne "" ) {chop($line); ($calqone$c2,$calqtwo$c2,$calqthree$c2,$calqfour$c2)=split(' ',$line,4); $line=<CALDET>; $c2++; } } if ((open(NAMEAS, $astatname)) && (open(NAMEONED,$onedname))) { while(<NAMEAS>) { ($arrone$i,$arrtwo$i)=split(' '); $i++; } close(NAMEAS); $n1=$i-1; while(<NAMEONED>) { ($arrthree$m,$arrfour$m)=split(' '); $m++; } } $n2=$m-1; close(NAMEONED); $k=0; for($p=0;$p<=$n1;$p++) { for($n=0;$n<=7;$n++) { chop($arrone$p); } $corresonedname=($arrone$p."1d");$arrone$p=$arrone$p."astat.gz"; if ( -e $corresonedname ) { for($j=0; $j<=$n2;$j++) { if ( $corresonedname eq $arrthree$j) { $arronestore$k=$arrone$p; $arrtwostore$k=$arrtwo$p; $arrthreestore$k=$arrthree$j; $arrfourstore$k=$arrfour$j; if (open(NAME ,"$corresonedname")) { $g=0; while(<NAME>) { # Read data in 2 columns from file handle # and put in two perl arrays chop(); ($y$g,$x$g) = split(/\s+/); $g++; } print ("\ng=",$g,"\n"); close (NAME); } $response="h";$r="f";$ab1=0; while ($response ne "abcde") { @arrsidtime=("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i", "j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x"); if ($r eq "f") { $y1=0;$y2=0.1;$fmin=$y[0];$fmax=$y[0]; for ($s1=0;$s1<($g-1);$s1++) { if ($fmax < $y$s1) { $fmax=$y$s1; } if ($fmin > $y$s1) { $fmin= $y$s1; } } print ("\n ymax=",$fmax,"Ymin=",$fmin,"\n"); $y1=$fmin; $y2=$fmax; $y2=($y2+0.1); $y1=($y1-0.1); print ("\n y2=",$y2,"y1=",$y1,"\n"); while( $hour ne $arrsidtime$ab1) { ++$ab1;$ab2=$ab1 + 1;$r="t"; } } pgenv($ab1,$ab2,$y1,$y2,0,0); # Define data limits and plot axes pglabel("X","Y",$corresonedname); # Labels pgsci(5); # Change colour pgline($g,\@x,\@y); print("\n please enter your response for the plot....\n FOR SEEING THE PLOT WITH MODIFIED AXES PLEASE ENTER n \n OR GIVE THE APPROPRIATE QUALITY FACTOR FOR THE FILE FROM 1-9\n ?"); $response=<STDIN>; chop($response); print ("you entered ",$response,"\n"); if ($response eq "n" ) { print ("\n Please enter Xmin value\n"); $abr1=<STDIN>;chop($abr1); if ($abr1 ne "") {$ab1=$abr1;} print ("\n Please enter Xmax value\n"); $abr2=<STDIN>;chop($abr2); if ($abr2 ne "") {$ab2=$abr2;} print ("\n Please enter Ymin value\n"); $yr1=<STDIN>;chop($yr1); if ($yr1 ne "") {$y1=$yr1;} print ("\n Please enter Ymax value\n"); $yr2=<STDIN>;chop($yr2); if ($yr2 ne "") {$y2=$yr2;} } elsif(("123456789" =~ m/$response/) && ($response ne "")) { $quality$k=$response;$response="abcde"; print ("\n aulaity ",$k,"=",$quality$k,"\n"); } else { print "\n please enter proper response\n"; } } if ($comparison eq $hour) { $k++; goto NEXTLINE; } else { $hdiffer = &get_RAdiff_fromsun($comparison,$arrthree$k); if (($quality eq "1") && ($hdiffer >= 2)) { $calfilename=&gencalfn($corresonedname,$comparison) if (-e $calfilename) { $c2=$c2-1; for($c3=0;$c3<=$c2;$c3=$c3++) { if(($calfilename eq $calqname$c3) && ($calqfour$c3 eq "1") && ($calqthree$c3<=100)) { $gooddata="/usr4/mrt/vinayPandey/good".$hour; if (-e $gooddata) {open(FILE, ">>$gooddata"); } else { open(FILE,">$gooddata"); } $qnet=1; print FILE "$arrthreestore$k $arrfourstore$k $arrtwostore$k $quality$k $calqone$c3 $calqtwo$c3 $calqthree$c3 $calqfour$c3 $qnet \n"; close(FILE); $k++; goto NEXTLINE; } else { if ($calfilename eq $claname$c3) { $c2++; $k++; goto NEXTLINE; } } } } } $k++; goto NEXTLINE; } } } } else { print "\n we are not able to find file $corresonedname\n"; } NEXTLINE: } if ( $comparison eq $ hour) { print "\n +++ k= $k"; $k=$k-1;print "\n +++ k= $k"; $calname="/usr4/mrt/vinayPandey/caldet".$alloc.$hour."1.1d"; if (-e $calname) { open(CALNAME, ">>$calname"); } else { open(CALNAME, ">$calname"); } for($c1=0;$c1<=$k;$c1++) { $hdifference=&get_RAdiff_forsun($comparison,$arrthreestore$c1); if ($hdiffernce < 2) { $quality$c1=$quality$c1+$W7; } print CALNAME "$arrthreestore$c1 $arrfourstore$c1 $arrtwostore$c1 $quality$c1 \n"; } close (CALNAME); } else { $k=$k-1; $c2=$c2-1; for($tak1=0;$tak1<=$k;$tak1++) { $calibname=&gencalfn($arrthree$tak1,$comparison); $pos=&get_RAdiff_forsun($comparison,$arrthree$tak1); if (-e $calibname) {$W6=0;$factor="y";} else { $calibnamenew=$calibname; @newarr=("1a","2b","3c","4d","5e","6f","7g","8h","9i","10j","11k","12l","13m","14n","15o","16p","17q","18r","19s","20t","21u","22v","23w","24x"); for($st1=0;$st1<=6;$st1++) {chop($calibnamenew);} $b1=chop($calibnamenew); $b2=chop($calibnamenew); $b12=$b2.$b1; $jd1=chop($calibnamenew); $jd2=chop($calibnamenew); $jd3=chop($calibnamenew); $jday=$jd3.$jd2.$jd1; $nlm1=-1; $sn=chop($calibnamenew); $nl=0; while($nl != 5){ for ($ensure=1;$ensure<=2;$ensure++) {$nlm=$nlm1*$nl; $jday=$jday+$nlm; for ($na=1;$na<=4;$na++) { @subsubst=grep(/$na\S/,@newarr); $subsubst[0]=chop($subsubst[0]); for ($nah=1;$nah<=24;$nah++) { @hoursubst=grep(/$nah\S/,@newarr); $hoursubst[0]=chop($subsubst[0]); $caltestname=$calibnamenew.$subsubst[0].$jday.$b12."_".$hoursubst[0].$comparison."1.1d"; if (-e $caltestname) { $calibname=$caltestname;$factor="y"; if ($nl=0) {$W6=0;} elsif($nl<=3) {$W6=3;} else{$W6=5;} goto CHECK; } } } if ($nl eq "0") {++$ensure;} } $nl++; } if ($factor ne "y") {$calibname=$calqone$tak2;} CHECK: for ($tak2=0;$tak2<=$c2;$tak2++) { if ($calibname=$calqone$tak2) { if ($calqthree$tak2<=100){$W4=1;} elsif ($calqthree$tak2<=400){$W4=2;} else{$W4=3;} if ($arrtwostore$k<=100) {$W3=1;} elsif ($arrtwostore$k<=400) {$W3=2;} else {$W3=5;} if ($pos >= 4) { $W5=1; } elsif ($pos >= 2) { $W5=2; } else { $W5=5; } $netquality$tak1=$W1*$quality$tak1+$W2*$calqfour[$tak2+$W3+$W4+$W5+$W6; $calstoreone$tak1=$calqone$tak2; $calstoretwo$tak1=$calqtwo$tak2; $calstorethree$tak1=$calqthree$tak2; $calstorefour$tak1=$calqfour$tak2; goto FIRSTLOOP; } } } FIRSTLOOP: } print ("\n here the actual test starts i.e. comparison etc.....\n" ); } NEXTLINETWO: } LABELEND: pgend; print("\n this is the end of the programme\n"); sub gencalfn { local(@complex,$temp,$calib1,$val1,$val2,$tempx,$tempy,@tempxy,$val3,$calib2,$comparison,$val4); @complex=("1a","2b","3c","4d","5e","6f","7g","8h","9i","10j","11k","12l","13m","14n","15o","16p","17q","18r","19s","20t","21u","22v","23w","24x"); $calib1=$_[0]; $comparison=$_1; for ($temp=0;$temp<=3;$temp++) { chop($calib1); } $tempx=chop($calib1);print"\n $tempx==",$tempx; $tempy=chop($calib1);print"\n tempy==",$tempy; @val1=grep(/\d{1,2}$tempx/,@complex);print "\n val1==",$val1[0]; @val2=grep(/\d{1,2}$tempy/,@complex);print "\n val2==",$val2[0]; @val3=grep(/\d{1,2}$comparison/,@complex);;print "\n val3==",$val3[0]; chop($val1[0]);chop($val2[0]);chop($val3[0]);print "\n ",$val1[0]," ",$val2[0]," ",$val3[0]; if ($val1 <3) {$val4=$val1+24-$val3;} elsif ($val1>$val3) {$val4=$val1-$val3;} if ($val2>$val4) { $val=$val2-$val4; @tempxy=grep(/$val\S/,@complex);print "\n ttt",$tempxy[0]; $tempxy[0]=chop($tempxy[0]);print "\n ttsfgsft=",$tempxy[0]; $tempxy[0]=$tempxy[0].$comparison;print "\n tttdjeo--=",$tempxy[0]; $calib2=$calib1.$tempxy[0]."1.1d"; } else{ if ($val1<$val3) {$val4=$val3-$val1;} elsif($val1>$val3) {$val4=24-$val1+$val3;} $val=$val2+$val4; @tempxy=grep(/$val\S/,@complex);print "\n ttt",$tempxy[0]; $tempxy[0]=chop($tempxy[0]);print "\n ttsfgsft=",$tempxy[0]; $tempxy[0]=$tempxy[0].$comparison;print "\n tttdjeo--=",$tempxy[0]; $calib2=$calib1.$tempxy[0]."1.1d"; } return ($calib2); } sub get_RAdiff_forsun{ local($jd,@daya_in_month,@avg_for_month;$RA,$change_in_jd,$shift_in_years,$comp,$value,$jd1,$jd2,$jd3,$jdtemp,$hourdiff,@arrcomp); @arrcomp=("1a","2b","3c","4d","5e","6f","7g","8h","9i","10j","11k","12l","13m","14n","15o","16p","17q","18r","19s","20t","21u","22v","23w","24x"); $comp=$_[0]; $jdtemp=$_1; for ($ltemp=0;$ltemp<=8;$ltemp++) {chop($jdtemp);} $jd3=chop($jdtemp); $jd2=chop($jdtemp); $jd1=chop($jdtemp); $jd=$jd1.$jd2.$jd3; @days_in_month = (31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31); @avg_for_month = (254,234,220,225,236,247,240,225,216,223,244,254); #$jd = "244" . "$jd" if( $jd >= 9000 ); #$jd = "245" . "$jd" if( $jd < 9000 ); $RA = 67434.075 ; #right ascension of sun on 1st January,1995. $change_in_jd = $jd - 2449717.5; $shift_in_years = 0; if($change_in_jd >= 365 && $change_in_jd <= 730) { $shift_in_years = 1; $change_in_jd = $change_in_jd - 365; $RA = $RA - 60; $days_in_month1 = 29; } if($change_in_jd > 730) { $change_in_jd = $change_in_jd - 731; $shift_in_years = 2 + (int($change_in_jd / 365)); $change_in_jd = $change_in_jd % 365; $RA = $RA + 240 - ($shift_in_years * 60); } for($i=0;$i<12;$i++) { if($change_in_jd > $days_in_month$i) { $RA = ($RA + ($days_in_month$i*$avg_for_month$i)) % 86400; $change_in_jd = $change_in_jd - $days_in_month$i; } else { $RA = ($RA + ($avg_for_month$i*$change_in_jd)) % 86400; } } $value=(grep(/\d{1,2}$comp/,@comp))-0.5; if ($RA >$value) { $hourdiff=$RA-$value;} else{$hourdiff=$value-$RA;} return($hourdiff); }

Edit kudra, 2002-06-07 Removed formatting I added today, at jeffa's request. This node serves as an example of How (Not) To Ask A Question. It is an old node, so it doesn't harm the author that it isn't formatted.

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