#!C:/perl/bin/perl -w # generates an mtv cache use strict; my @oops = qw(10 13 28 38 48 55); # columns with double code listings my $mtv = 'perl -T mtv.pl '; my $dat = 'index.dat'; # make sure they match my %dex; $|=1; print "Binding Index\n"; `$mtv action=bindex`; print "reading $dat\n"; open(FILE,"< $dat") or die "$!"; my @dat = ; close(FILE) or die "$!"; print "generating list\n"; for(@dat) { my($num,$desc)=split(/\t/); chomp $desc; $dex{$num}= $desc; } undef @dat; print "deleting chokers\n"; for(@oops) { delete $dex{$_}; } undef @oops; print "building mtv.cache.index.html\n"; open(OUTFH, '> mtv.cache.index.html') or die $!; print OUTFH q~ MTV

MTV Cache

~; for my $key (sort keys %dex) { open(OUTFH2, '> '."$key.mtvcol.html") or die "$key.mtvcol.html $!\n"; print "generating $key.mtvcol.html\n"; print OUTFH2 `$mtv getdoc=$key action=view`; close OUTFH2; print OUTFH '$key.$dex{$key}
\n"; } print OUTFH q~~; close OUTFH;exit; __END__ =head1 DESCRIPTION Just a dirty little script i hacked together in a few minutes, borrowing heavily from mtv. It should work regardless of platform. And it'll take down the server load. Currently, since i'm just capturing the output of mtv.pl, the http header is not stripped. It is kind of refreshing to be greeted by Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 It is a "commandline" script, as if you couldn't tell.