package p4_cache::p4; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(P4); use Params::Validate qw( validate_with SCALAR OBJECT BOOLEAN UNDEF ARR +AYREF HASHREF); use Data::Dumper; use Class::MethodMaker [ new => [ '-hash', '-init', 'new'], scalar => 'clientname' ]; sub init { my $self = shift; my %opts = validate_with( params => \@_, spec => { 'clientname' => { type => SCALAR }, 'port' => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 } }, ); my $port = $opts{'port'}; if (!defined($port)) { my @p4_client = split /:/, $opts{'clientname'}; $port = "p4mynet-p4p-".lc($p4_client[1]).":188"; } # Connect to p4 $self->SUPER::new(); print Dumper($self); $self->SetClient($opts{'clientname'}); $self->SetPort($port); $self->Connect() || die 'Unable to connect to p4 server'; return $self; } ## end of sub init When I am trying to execute this code through Call present in pl my $obj = p4_cache::p4->new(clientname => 'keys:SITE:dev2'); I am getting a following error : $VAR1 = bless( { 'clientname' => 'keys:SITE:dev2' }, 'p4_cache::p4' ); No '_p4client_ptr' member found in P4 object! at p4_cache/ line 3 +2. No '_p4client_ptr' member found in P4 object! at p4_cache/ line 3 +3. No '_p4client_ptr' member found in P4 object! at p4_cache/ line 3 +4. Unable to connect to p4 server at p4_cache/ line 34. No '_p4client_ptr' member found in P4 object!. Looking forward for some help on this. Thanks in advance.