my @a = [ 1, 4, 9, 16]; # squares my @b = [ 1, 8, 27, 64]; # cubes my @c = [ \@a, \@b ]; # two arrays my $d = \@a; my $e = \@c; # OK: @a is an array print "Sample1: ", $a[0]->[0], "\n"; # Wrong: "Sample1: ", $d is a reference, not an array! #print "Sample2: ", $d[0], "\n"; # OK: Both of these are fine, though print "Sample3: ", $d->[0]->[0], "\n"; print "Sample4: ", $$d[0]->[0], "\n"; # with multiple subscripts: print "Sample5: ", $e->[0]->[0]->[0]->[0], "\n"; print "Sample6: ", $e->[0][0][0][0], "\n"; # same as above, since -> is optional between subscripts print "Sample7: ", $$e[0][0][0][0], "\n"; # also same as above