I:\>ppm PPM interactive shell (2.1.6) - type 'help' for available commands. PPM> help Commands: exit - leave the program. help [command] - prints this screen, or help on 'command'. install PACKAGES - installs specified PACKAGES. quit - leave the program. query [options] - query information about installed packages. remove PACKAGES - removes the specified PACKAGES from the system search [options] - search information about available packages. set [options] - set/display current options. verify [options] - verifies current install is up to date. version - displays PPM version number PPM> search Net::Telnet Packages available from http://ppm.ActiveState.com/cgibin/PPM/ppmserver.pl?urn:/ PPMServer: Net-Telnet [3.03] Interact with TELNET port or other TCP ports Net-Telnet-Cisco [1.10] automate Cisco management Net-Telnet-Netscreen [1.01] interact with a Netscreen firewall