#!perl # wdf.pl # pod at tail use warnings; # avoid D'oh! bugs use strict; # avoid D'oh! bugs use Win32::AdminMisc; # host+drive stuff (www.roth.net/perl/packages) use Win32::EventLog; # log program runs (core ActivePerl module) use POSIX; # round decimal places (core ActivePerl module) use Net::SMTP; # email notification (core ActivePerl module) use File::Spec; # strip path from $0 (core ActivePerl module) use Tie::IxHash; # ordered hash (core ActivePerl module) use Getopt::Long; # options & arguments (core ActivePerl module) use Pod::Usage; # elim redundant Usage() (core ActivePerl module) use Win32(); # For Msgboxen $|++; # make STDOUT hot my $VERSION = '0.09.07'; ## PRELIMINARIES ## my $host = Win32::AdminMisc::GetComputerName(); my ($notUsed,$not_used,$program) = File::Spec->splitpath( $0 ); ## OPTIONS+ARGUMENTS ## my ($arg_lowFree, @arg_recipients, $arg_smtp); my ($opt_eventLog, $opt_versions, $opt_help, $opt_man); GetOptions( 'lowfree=i' => \$arg_lowFree, 'recipient=s' => \@arg_recipients, 'smtp=s' => \$arg_smtp, 'eventlog!' => \$opt_eventLog, 'versions!' => \$opt_versions, 'help!' => \$opt_help, 'man!' => \$opt_man, ) or pod2usage(-verbose => 1) && exit; #Default threshold if none is defined $arg_lowFree=2.5 if !$arg_lowFree; push my @eventLogStrings, " = $program run started =" if($opt_eventLog); pod2usage(-verbose => 1) && exit if $opt_help; pod2usage(-verbose => 2) && exit if $opt_man; pod2usage(-verbose => 1) && exit unless $arg_lowFree && $arg_lowFree > 0; $arg_smtp = $host unless $arg_smtp; while (1) { ## QUERY DRIVES, GEN INDIVIDUAL DRIVE REPORTS ## my (@report, @lowDrives); my @drives=Win32::AdminMisc::GetDrives(DRIVE_FIXED); for my $drive(@drives){ my ($total, $free) = Win32::AdminMisc::GetDriveSpace($drive); next unless $total; my $used = $total-$free; my $percentUsed = Round(($used/$total)*100); my $percentFree = Round(($free/$total)*100); my($cTotal, $cUsed, $cFree) = Commify(Round($total, $used, $free)); #my $report = " # $drive #$percentUsed percent used #$percentFree percent free # $cTotal bytes total # $cUsed bytes used #$cFree bytes free"; #push @report, $report; push @lowDrives, $drive if($percentFree < $arg_lowFree); } ## COMBINE INDIVIDUAL REPORTS INTO MESSAGE ## my $low = @lowDrives > 0 ? join(' and ', @lowDrives) : 'No'; next if ($low eq 'No'); my $plural = @lowDrives == 1 ? '' : 's'; my $alarum = " $host\'s $low drive$plural have less than ${arg_lowFree}% free space!"; unshift @report, $alarum; my $message = join("\n", @report); my ($mins, $hours, $day, $month, $year) = (localtime) [1,2,3,4,5]; #Adjust for 1-digit minutes and $hours $mins = "0" . $mins if ($mins<10); $hours = "0" . $hours if ($hours<10); my $timestamp = ($month+1) . "/" . $day . "/" . ($year+1900) . " - " . $hours . ":" . $mins; Win32::MsgBox("$message",48,"Running low on space at $timestamp..."); #print "\n$message\n"; push @eventLogStrings, " = $program report =\n$message" if($opt_eventLog); #Sleep for 2 hours, then respawn sleep 2 * 3600; #sleep 5; ## OPTIONAL EMAIL NOTIFICATION ## if(@arg_recipients && @lowDrives > 0){ my $autoMsg = "Message automatically generated by $program program and sent to:"; my $recipListMsg = join("\n ", @arg_recipients); for my $recipient(@arg_recipients){ print "Sending message to $recipient... "; if(my $smtp = new Net::SMTP($arg_smtp)){ $smtp->mail("$program\@$host"); $smtp->to($recipient); $smtp->data(); $smtp->datasend("To: $recipient\n"); $smtp->datasend("Subject: ALERT - $host DISK SPACE GETTING LOW\n"); $smtp->datasend("\n"); $smtp->datasend("\n$autoMsg\n $recipListMsg\n\n$message"); $smtp->dataend(); $smtp->quit(); print "successful"; push @eventLogStrings, " = $program sent email to $recipient" if($opt_eventLog); } else { print "failed"; push @eventLogStrings, "ERROR = $program failed to email $recipient =" if($opt_eventLog); } print "\n"; } } ## WRAP IT UP ## END{ my @verMsg = ( "\nVersions info:", " Win32::AdminMisc $Win32::AdminMisc::VERSION", " Win32::EventLog $Win32::EventLog::VERSION", " POSIX $POSIX::VERSION", " Net::SMTP $Net::SMTP::VERSION", " File::Spec $File::Spec::VERSION", " Getopt::Long $Getopt::Long::VERSION", " Pod::Usage $Pod::Usage::VERSION", " Perl $]", " wdf.pl $VERSION", " $^O", ); tie my %winVer, "Tie::IxHash"; %winVer = Win32::AdminMisc::GetWinVersion; for my $key (keys %winVer) { push @verMsg, " $key - $winVer{$key}"; } my $verMsg = join("\n", @verMsg); print $verMsg if($opt_versions); ## OPTIONAL EVENT LOGGING ## if($opt_eventLog){ push @eventLogStrings, " = $program run complete ="; my $strings = join("\n", @eventLogStrings); my $eventType = @lowDrives > 0 ?'EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE':'EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE'; Win32::EventLog::Open( my $event ) or warn 'fail on Win32::EventLog::Open()'; $event->Report({ Computer => $host, Source => $program, EventType => $eventType, ## FIXME ## Strings => "\n\n$strings\n$verMsg", }) or warn 'fail on Win32::EventLog::Report()'; ## $event->Close or warn 'fail on Win32::EventLog::Close'; ## FIXME ## } } } ########################################################################## # Round long-decimal numbers for legibility: # (from Math::Round source) sub Round { my $halfhex = unpack('H*', pack('d', 0.5)); my $half = unpack('d',pack('H*', $halfhex)); my $x; my @res = (); for $x (@_) { if ($x >= 0) { push @res, POSIX::floor($x + $half); } else { push @res, POSIX::ceil ($x - $half); } } return (wantarray) ? @res : $res[0]; } ########################################################################## # Insert commas in long numbers for legibility: sub Commify { my @output; for(@_){ my $input = $_; $input = reverse $input; $input =~ s<(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)><$1,>g; $input = reverse $input; push @output, $input; } return @output; } ########################################################################## =head1 TITLE wdf.pl - Check free disk space of all hard disks on a Win32 localhost =head1 SYNOPSIS wdf eg; wdf.pl --versions --lowFree 15 --recipient pastor@church.org Arguments and options may be called by short or long form, or even mixed eg; wdf --lowFree 5 --recipient admin@church.org --smtp mail.church.org wdf -l 5 -r admin@church.org -s mail.church.org wdf -l 5 --recipient admin@church.org -s mail.church.org Arguments accept an optional '=' eg; wdf -lowFree=30 wdf -lowFree 30 =head1 DESCRIPTION Check free disk space of all hard disks on Win32 locallhost. Optional email notification on low free space. Optional Event Log entry on program run. Intended to run periodically as a scheduled task. =head1 ARGUMENTS --lowFree --recipient --smtp "lowFree" is the minimum percentage of free disk space to check for. If there is less free space than this, print to console and optionally send email alert. "recipient" is the email address to send alert message to. Accepts only one argument, but can be specified multiple times: eg; wdf -r pastor@church.org -r officemgr@church.org "smtp" is an IP address or name of a nearby SMTP server. Default value of localhost. =head1 OPTIONS --eventlog report results to Win32 Event Log --versions print Modules, Perl, OS, Program info --help print contents of pod USAGE, ARGUMENTS, OPTIONS --man print pod in it's entiretya =head1 WIN32 NOTES assoc .pl=Perl ftype Perl=c:\perl\bin\perl.exe "%1" %* pathext=.pl; path=c:\perl\bin\; ppm set repository ROTH http://www.roth.net/perl/packages ppm set save ppm install Win32-AdminMisc Login as administrator control panel, scheduler, runas specific_user at 06:00 /every:Th c:\perl\bin\perl.exe c:\perls\wdf.pl -e -l 25 -r user@host.dom pl2bat wdf.pl =head1 SMTP NOTES telnet mailserver.dom.tld 25 220 mailserver.dom.tld ESMTP helo client.dom.tld 250 OK mail from: user1@dom.tld 250 Sender OK rcpt to: user2@dom.tld 250 Recipient OK testing, testing, 1... 2... 3 . 250 Message accepted for deliver quit 221 mailserver.dom.tld closing connection =head1 TESTED OS Win2kPro sp2 NT4.0 sp6 Perl ActivePerl 5.6.1 Win32::AdminMisc 20000708 POSIX 1.03 Net::SMTP 2.19 File::Spec 0.82 Pod::Usage 1.14 Getopt::Long 2.25 =head1 AUTHOR ybiC =head1 CREDITS Thanks to: thunders for join() tip, Kanji for pointing out 0-bytes-free bug of 'if($total && $free){...}', fsn for mondo SMTP info/tips/help, Dave Roth for writing Win32 Perl (Scripting|Programming) books. And to some guy named vroom =head1 TODO Confirm NT 'at' entries remain after reboot Debug specified-EventType-ignored, 'none' shown by EventViewer Debug NT4-eventlog-no-line-endings Debug 'fail on Win32::EventLog::Close' Provide Message.dll for message table (Win32::EventLog::Message) use Win32::EventLog::Message; RegisterSource( 'System', 'My Perl Source' ); $Event->Report( { EventID => EVENT_ID, Strings => "Everything is okay.\nReally, it's okay.", EventType => EVENTLOG_SUCCESS_TYPE, }); UnRegisterSource( 'System', 'My Perl Source' ); More informative Net::SMTP errors =head1 UPDATES 2002-07-13 21:50 CDT Initial working code 2002-07-19 10:05 CDT Rework email notify for standard Net::SMTP instead of Mail::Sender Programatically include server name in message Debug email notification (bad sender format) Debug email subject naming smtp host as having low drive space Strip dir path from $0 (down to just wdf.pl) Unshift $alarum into @message before join-ing @message into $message Borrow code from Math::Round for Round() Borrow code from Sys::Hostname for hostName() Getopt::Long and Pod::Usage Debug program continues to run even if required args not provided Eliminate $opt_useMail. Instead, check for @recipient Protect against divide-by-zero from potential drive problem if($total && $free){...} Win32::AdminMisc::GetDrives(DRIVE_FIXED) instead of @arg_drives Win32::AdminMisc::GetComputerName() instead of hostName() Check for $arg_lowFree to be *positive* number Post to PerlMonks Code Catacombs, requesting PERL-ectomy Squash 0-bytes-free bug replace 'if($total && $free){...}' with 'next unless $total;' Intelligent singular/plural on 'less than n% free' message Event Log of program start, message, notify and completion Test from Win2k 'at' and Task Scheduler (success) Unsubify eventLog(), combine all into one message Eliminate 'uninit value' from 'pod2usage(...) unless $arg_lowFree > 0' Event Log of per-user email success/fail Test on church NT4+Exchange server Test from WinNT4 'at' (success) Getopt argument for nearest SMTP server, default of localhost =cut