$dbh->func("COPY snapshot_$formName (name, value, collect_date, omp_id) from STDIN", "putline" or die "Couldn't write COPY STATEMENT to snapshot_$formName: $@, " . $dbh->errstr; print "Started a line\n"; foreach my $values (@form_out){ #my $cmd = `rm -f $form_out`; my @values = split(/;/, $values); my @names = split(/ /, $ga->{'outputString'}{$formName}); my $count = 0; foreach my $ix (0 .. $#names ){ my $value = $values[$ix]; if (!$names[$count]){ print "$value element # $count does not exist in array\n"; } my $name = $names[$count]; $value = 'NULL' if not defined $value; $value =~ s/^\s+//; $value =~ s/\s+$//; # The following line will remove any internal tabs which would mess with # the column count. $value =~ s/\s+/ /g; $value = 'Null' if not length $value; my $row = join("\t", $name, $value, $date, $ompId); $dbh->func($row , 'putline' ) or die "Couldn't write `$row' to snapshot_$formName: $@, " . $dbh->errstr; $count++; } } $dbh->func( "\\.\n", 'putline' ); print "ended that line\n"; }