#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $parts = shift; ### how many parts to split my @file = @ARGV; ### the files to split foreach ( @file ) { ### how big should the new file be? my $size = (-s) / $parts; ### open the input file open my $in_fh, $_ or warn "Cannot read $_: $!"; binmode $in_fh; ### for all but the last part, read ### the amount of data, then write it to ### the appropriate output file. for my $part (1 .. $parts - 1) { ### read an output file worth of data read $in_fh, my $buffer, $size or warn "Read zero bytes from $_: $!"; ### write the output file open my $fh, "> $_$part" or warn "Cannot write to $_$part: $!"; print $fh $buffer; } # for the last part, read the rest of # the file. Buffer will shrink # to the actual bytes read. read $in_fh, my $buffer, -s or warn "Read zero bytes from $_: $!"; open my $fh, "> $_$parts" or warn "Cannot write to $_$parts: $!"; print $fh $buffer; } __END__