package PL::Mail; use strict; use Mail::Sendmail; my $server = ''; my %mail; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; $mail{Smtp} = $server; $mail{From} = 'Postmaster '; $mail{To} = $self->{TO} ? $self->{TO} : 'Devin Austin '; $mail{Subject} = $self->{SUBJECT}; $mail{Message} = $self->{MESSAGE}; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub send { my ($self, $user, $msg) = @_; my $date = Mail::Sendmail::time_to_date(); $mail{Message} .= <<"" Message sent on $date From $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} All information contained in this message do not reflect the ideas of Devin Austin or MorningStarWeb and it's affiliates. ; if (sendmail %mail) { print STDERR $Mail::Sendmail::error; } else { print STDERR "Error sending mail ($date): $!"; } }