#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Getopt::Std; use Time::HiRes qw(ualarm); # "script -t" will output a typescript with timings # this script "scriptreplay" replays it # run pod2man on it to get a man page =head1 NAME scriptreplay - play back typescripts, using timing information =head1 SYNOPSIS scriptreplay -d [divisor] typescript timingfile =head1 DESCRIPTION This program replays a typescript, using timing information to ensure that output happens at the same speed as it originally appeared when the script was recorded. It is only guaranteed to work properly if run on the same terminal the script was recorded on. The timings information is what script outputs to standard error if it is run with the -t parameter. By default, the typescript to display is assumed to be named "typescript", but other filenames may be specified, as the second parameter. If the -d option is set, it is used as a time divisor. For example, specifying a divisor of 2 makes the script be replayed twice as fast. While the script is replayed, pressing the space bar pauses, pressing q quits the replay. =head1 EXAMPLE % script -t 2> timingfile Script started, file is typescript % ls % exit Script done, file is typescript % scriptreplay -d 8 typescript timingfile =head1 TODO =item Add a way to skip ff or seek back =cut use strict; $|=1; my $default_timing; # in case there's no timing file my %o; getopt('d',\%o); @ARGV or die "usage: $0 [-d divisor ] scriptfile timingfile\n"; my ($scriptfile, $timefile) = @ARGV; for ($timefile,$scriptfile) { my $f = $_; $f and $f =~ s/\.gz$// and system('gunzip',$_) or $_ = $f; } open (TYPESCRIPT, $scriptfile || 'typescript') or die "cannot read typescript: $!"; unless ($timefile and open (TIMING, $timefile)) { # or die "cannot read timing info: $!"; # no timing file, set default timing $default_timing = '0.000400 1'; } my $divisor = int($o{d}) || 1; my ($rout,$rin); $rin = ''; vec($rin,fileno(STDIN),1) = 1; system 'stty', 'cbreak','-echo'; my $doexit = 0; sub alarm_handler { # try to read a char from the terminal in non-blocking mode. # if we are successful and the char is a blank, read again, # blocking this time. my ($nfound,$timeleft) = select($rout=$rin, undef,undef, -1); if ($nfound) { my $char; read(STDIN,$char, 1); if ($char) { if ( $char eq ' ') { select($rout=$rin, undef,undef,1200); $char = getc STDIN; } if ($char eq 'q') { $doexit++; } $divisor++ if $char eq '+'; $divisor-- if $char eq '-' and $divisor > 1; } } ualarm(5000) unless $doexit;; } # Read starting timestamp line and ignore. ; $SIG{ALRM} = \&alarm_handler; ualarm(5000); my $block; my $oldblock=''; my $foo; while ($_ = $default_timing || ) { my ($delay, $blocksize)=split ' ', $_, 2; # Sleep, unless the delay is really tiny. Really tiny delays cannot # be accurately done, because the system calls in this loop will # have more overhead. The 0.0001 is arbitrary, but works fairly well. $delay = 2 * $divisor if $delay / $divisor > 2; # shorten idle times if ($delay / $divisor > 0.0001) { my $timeleft = $delay / $divisor - 0.0001; while ($timeleft) { ($foo,$timeleft) = select(undef, undef, undef, $timeleft); } } read(TYPESCRIPT, $block, $blocksize) # or die "read failure on typescript: $!"; or $doexit++; print $oldblock; $oldblock=$block; last if $doexit; } print $oldblock; print "\n" if $doexit; system 'stty','-cbreak','echo'; =head1 SEE ALSO script(1) =head1 COPYRIGHT This program is in the public domain. =head1 AUTHOR Joey Hess - hacked by shmem