my @totals = sort { $db{'scores'}{$b} <=> $db{'scores'}{$a} } keys(%{$db{'scores'}}); #Right here I need something that places all the users and their scores in another hash #This new hash would probably be a hash of arrays. #I just can't figure it out! #Also, these lines here should not be hardcoded! #I do not know how many positions there are! #Meaning I manually outputted places 1st through to 5th, #but there might be 25 of them! #There should be some kind of loop that does it for me print qq| 1st Place: $totals[0] 2nd Place: $totals[1] 3rd Place: $totals[2] 4th Place: $totals[3] 5th Place: $totals[4] |;