in reply to Re^3: Sorting Vietnamese text
in thread Sorting Vietnamese text

I think that getting Unicode::Collate to work would be the best approach, but here's a hand-rolled one that seems to work the way you want it:

use utf8;
use 5.014;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw/min/;
binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)';

my %order;
    my $source = join '', 'aáàảãạăaáàảãạăắ',
    my $cnt = 0;
    $order{$_} = ++$cnt for split //, $source;
    sub vcmp($$) {
        my ($a, $b) = @_;
        for (0..min(length($a), length($b))) {
            my $cmp = ($order{substr $a, $_, 1} // 0)
                      <=> ($order{ substr $b, $_, 1 } // 0);
            return $cmp if $cmp != 0;
        return length($a) <=> length($b);

say for sort { vcmp($a, $b) } ('ầm', 'ãm', 'ấm chè', 'ám số');

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Re^5: Sorting Vietnamese text
by pdenisowski (Acolyte) on Dec 23, 2013 at 16:05 UTC
    Thanks! That looks like it might be working correctly.

    Now to ask a dumb question - how do I replace the hard-coded list here

    say for sort { vcmp($a, $b) } ('ầm', 'ãm', 'ấm chè', 'ám số');
    with an array like this:

    ỷ : (1) to be fat (said of a pig); (2) to depend on
    ỳ : inertia, state of inactivity, stay out, inert, sluggish
    ỳ ạch : to toil, labor with difficulty
    ỷ eo : reproach someone with something
    ỷ lại : to depend, rely on others
    ỷ thế : count on one’s power, one’s position, one’s influence
    yêu nhau : to love each other, be in love
    yêu quí : precious, valuable

    read in from a text file using something like


    Sorry, I know that's a dumb question, but I keep getting errors saying "Global symbol XYZ requires explicit package name ..." when I try to do this.

    Thanks again!