in reply to Parse data representing hash

Instead of recursion, you can reach to Data::Diver and its DiveRef:
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Re^2: Parse data representing hash
by peterp (Sexton) on Jun 28, 2014 at 22:28 UTC


    Thank you very much for your suggestion, i'm unable to test right now since i'm on holiday using an online compiler, but it looks exactly what I needed.

    My data is actually slightly more complicated than the example I provided, since each row has additional information, therefore was planning on eventually using the following design $hash->{one}->{children}->{two}..., $hash->{one}->{data}->{url} = '' etc to parse the row "one|url=>", and I will read the documentation carefully to see if this is possible.

    Thanks again

Re^2: Parse data representing hash
by Anonymous Monk on Jun 28, 2014 at 22:30 UTC
    To maintain hash of hash of .... in case the data has lines of numbers ...  DiveRef($hash, \(@path)  );