in reply to Caffeine and its delivery to monks in need

half-tempted to make this work by prompting for a username and password...

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use LWP::Simple; my $url = ''; my @usernames; my $xml = get("${url}node_id=15851"); my @ret = split(/\n/, $xml); @ret = grep(/\A\<user/, @ret); foreach (@ret){ /username="([\w\d\ \$\.\%\@\-]*)"/; push(@usernames, $1); } foreach (@usernames){ s/\s/_/g; print $_; get("${url}op=message&message=/msg\%20$_\%20Here's+some+coffee.+Enjoy. +"); }

If anyone else wants to make it work... be my guest.

John J Reiser