in reply to Re: SOAP::Lite - Finding callers IP
in thread SOAP::Lite - Finding callers IP

Ugghh! Printing HTML like that, while good at getting stuff done farily quickly, is not recommended for those who wish to learn and grow. How about this instead:
use strict; use warnings; use CGI qw(:standard); print header, start_html( -title => 'Testing 1-2-3', -bgcolor => '#c0c0c0', ), ul(li[map qq|$_ => "$ENV{$_}"|,keys %ENV]), end_html, ;
Or this:
use strict; use warnings; use CGI qw(header); use HTML::Template; my $tmpl = HTML::Template->new(filehandle => \*DATA); $tmpl->param(env => [ map {{ key => $_, val => $ENV{$_}, }} keys %ENV ]); print header, $tmpl->output; __DATA__ <html> <head> <title>Testing 1-2-3</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#c0c0c0"> <ul> <tmpl_loop env> <li><tmpl_var key> = "<tmpl_var name="val" escape="HTML">" </tmpl_loop> </ul> </body> </html>
And ... if you still insist on printing out HTML like you did, then at least check out the q and qq operators:
# look ma, no slashes! print qq|${var} = "${val}"\n|; print q|<body bgcolor="#c0c0c0">\n|;


(the triplet paradiddle with high-hat)