Here is a perl module containing subroutines that are embedded in a lex/yacc sql parser in order to translate a low-level database structure into a higher level data-warehouse structure at run-time.

The data-warehouse structure is represented in a .tables file

# ==================================================================== +========== # obj_srvr.tables # # This file contains the layout and associated subroutine referencess + for the # virtual tables served by # # Driver routines must return reference to an array of hash refs (rec +ords). # All supporting routines must return only 1 record per driver routin +e # record. To use supporting routines that return an array of records + (like # schedule() ), create a wrapper driver routine that adds in the supp +orting # records and returns an expanded array (see stu_schedule for an exam +ple). # # These will be included in at the package level. # ==================================================================== +========== # ========================== # Table Driver Subroutines # ========================== # note: could be multiple subs for a table name # # table name driver sub name driver sub ref %table_objs = ( "term_students" => { "subname" => "term_students" +, "subref" => \&term_students + }, "stu_schedule" => { "subname" => "stu_schedule", "subref" => \&stu_schedule +}, "term_graduates" => { "subname" => "term_graduates +", "subref" => \&term_graduate +s }, "term_appls" => { "subname" => "term_appls", "subref" => \&appls_for_ter +m }, "term_admits" => { "subname" => "term_admits", "subref" => \&term_admits } +, "new_fr" => { "subname" => "new_fr", "subref" => \&new_fr }, "new_tr" => { "subname" => "new_tr", "subref" => \&new_tr }, "new_fr_tr" => { "subname" => "new_fr_tr", "subref" => \&new_fr_tr }, "new_fr_sched" => { "subname" => "new_fr_sched", "subref" => \&new_fr_sched +}, "new_tr_sched" => { "subname" => "new_tr_sched", "subref" => \&new_tr_sched +}, "new_fr_tr_sched" => { "subname" => "new_fr_tr_sche +d", "subref" => \&new_fr_tr_sch +ed }, "term_balances" => { "subname" => "term_balances" +, "subref" => \&term_balances + }, "term_faculty" => { "subname" => "term_fac_sched +", "subref" => \&term_fac_sche +d }, "term_schedule" => { "subname" => "term_schedule" +, "subref" => \&term_schedule + }, "term_recruits" => { "subname" => "term_recruits" +, "subref" => \&term_recruits + } ); # =================== # Table Definitions # =================== %obj_accessor = ( "term_students" => { "term" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 6 }, "level" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 2 }, "confidential" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 1 }, "dead" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 1 }, "majr_code" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 4 }, "minr_code" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 4 }, "con1_code" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 4 }, "con2_code" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 4 }, "con3_code" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 4 }, "major" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "minor" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "conc1" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "conc2" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "conc3" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "resident" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 1 }, "deg_plan" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 3 }, "admt_code" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 2 }, "admit_term" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 6 }, "styp_code" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 1 }, "orsn_code" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 1 }, "rate_code" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 5 }, "coll_code" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 2 }, "academic_level" => { "subname" => "academic_lev +el", "subref" => \&academic_le +vel, "field" => "academic_lev +el", "size" => 30 }, "advisor_lname" => { "subname" => "advisor", + "subref" => \&advisor, "field" => "adv_lname +", "size" => 60 } +, "advisor_fname" => { "subname" => "advisor", + "subref" => \&advisor, "field" => "adv_fname +", "size" => 15 } +, "advisor_mi" => { "subname" => "advisor", + "subref" => \&advisor, "field" => "adv_mi", "size" => 15 } +, "advisor_vnum" => { "subname" => "advisor", + "subref" => \&advisor, "field" => "adv_vnum" +, "size" => 9 } +, "cum_gpa" => { "subname" => "all_gpa_o +", "subref" => \&all_gpa, "field" => "gpa", "size" => 4, "datatype" => "numeric" + }, "total_hrs" => { "subname" => "all_gpa_o +", "subref" => \&all_gpa, "field" => "total_hrs +", "size" => 7, "datatype" => "numeric" + }, "term_hrs" => { "subname" => "term_hrs", + "subref" => \&term_hrs +, "field" => "term_hrs" +, "size" => 5, "datatype" => "numeric" + }, "class" => { "subname" => "class", "subref" => \&class_by_p +idm, "field" => "class", "size" => 2 }, "sat" => { "subname" => "SAT", "subref" => \&SAT, "field" => "SAT", "size" => 5, "datatype" => "numeric" +}, "satm" => { "subname" => "SAT", "subref" => \&SAT, "field" => "SATM", "size" => 5, "datatype" => "numeric" + }, "satv" => { "subname" => "SAT", "subref" => \&SAT, "field" => "SATV", "size" => 5, "datatype" => "numeric" + }, "act" => { "subname" => "ACT", "subref" => \&ACT, "field" => "ACT", "size" => 5, "datatype" => "numeric" +}, "acte" => { "subname" => "ACT", "subref" => \&ACT, "field" => "ACTE", "size" => 5, "datatype" => "numeric" + }, "actm" => { "subname" => "ACT", "subref" => \&ACT, "field" => "ACTM", "size" => 5, "datatype" => "numeric" + }, "actn" => { "subname" => "ACT", "subref" => \&ACT, "field" => "ACTN", "size" => 5, "datatype" => "numeric" + }, "acts" => { "subname" => "ACT", "subref" => \&ACT, "field" => "ACTS", "size" => 5, "datatype" => "numeric" + }, "last_tr_coll" => { "subname" => "last_tr_co +ll", "subref" => \&last_tr_c +oll, "field" => "coll_desc" +, "size" => 30 }, "last_tr_coll_code" => { "subname" => "last_tr_c +oll", "subref" => \&last_tr_c +oll, "field" => "prior_coll +", "size" => 6 }, "fr_cohort" => { "subname" => "fr_cohort", "subref" => \&fr_cohort, "field" => "fr_cohort", "size" => 10 }, "hs_code" => { "subname" => "hs_gpa", "subref" => \&hs_gpa, "field" => "hs_code", "size" => 6 }, "high_school" => { "subname" => "hs_gpa", "subref" => \&hs_gpa, "field" => "hs_desc", "size" => 30 } }, "term_faculty" => { "term" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 6 }, "gender" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 1 }, "ethnicity" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "dept" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "divs" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "crn" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 5 }, "subject" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 4 }, "course" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 5 }, "title" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "sched_code" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 3 }, "enrolled" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 4, "datatype" => "numeric" }, "credit_hrs" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 5, "datatype" => "numeric" }, # Note: we can provide ID fields from SIS using + %id_addr # further below without overwriting ethni +city above # which came from HR, because add2hash wo +n't replace # a hash key that already exists. }, "term_balances" => { "term" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 6 }, "category" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 3 }, "balance" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 14, "datatype" => "numeric" }, "ssn" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 9 } +, "academic_level" => { "subname" => "academic_lev +el", "subref" => \&academic_le +vel, "field" => "academic_lev +el", "size" => 30 }, "advisor_lname" => { "subname" => "advisor", + "subref" => \&advisor, "field" => "adv_lname +", "size" => 60 } +, "advisor_fname" => { "subname" => "advisor", + "subref" => \&advisor, "field" => "adv_fname +", "size" => 15 } +, "advisor_mi" => { "subname" => "advisor", + "subref" => \&advisor, "field" => "adv_mi", "size" => 15 } +, "advisor_vnum" => { "subname" => "advisor", + "subref" => \&advisor, "field" => "adv_vnum" +, "size" => 9 } +, "term_hrs" => { "subname" => "term_hrs", + "subref" => \&term_hrs +, "field" => "term_hrs" +, "size" => 5, "datatype" => "numeric" + } }, "term_recruits" => { "term" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 6 }, "level" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 2 }, "major" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "confidential" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 1 }, "hs_code" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 6 }, "high_school" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "ethnicity" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 } +, "hs_gpa" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 4, "datatype" => "numeric" + }, "recruit_type" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 } +, "level_of_interest" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 } +, "recr_status" => { "subname" => "recr_stat +us", "subref" => \&recr_sta +tus, "field" => "recr_stat +us", "size" => 30 }, "last_tr_coll" => { "subname" => "coll_info" +, "subref" => \&coll_info +, "field" => "coll_desc" +, "size" => 30 }, "last_tr_coll_code" => { "subname" => "coll_info +", "subref" => \&coll_in +fo, "field" => "prior_col +l", "size" => 6 }, "college_state" => { "subname" => "coll_info +", "subref" => \&coll_inf +o, "field" => "sbgi_stat +e", "size" => 3 }, "college_county" => { "subname" => "coll_info +", "subref" => \&coll_inf +o, "field" => "sbgi_coun +ty", "size" => 30 }, "college_city" => { "subname" => "coll_info +", "subref" => \&coll_inf +o, "field" => "sbgi_city +", "size" => 20 }, "hs_state" => { "subname" => "hs_info", "subref" => \&sbgi_inf +o, "field" => "sbgi_stat +e", "size" => 3 }, "hs_county" => { "subname" => "hs_info", "subref" => \&sbgi_inf +o, "field" => "sbgi_coun +ty", "size" => 30 }, "hs_city" => { "subname" => "hs_info", "subref" => \&sbgi_inf +o, "field" => "sbgi_city +", "size" => 20 } }, "term_appls" => { "term" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 6 }, "level" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 2 }, "residence" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 1 }, "appl_date" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 10, "datatype" => "date" }, "admt_code" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 2 }, "major" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "college_code" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 6 }, "college" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "college_state" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 3 }, "decision" => { "subname" => "app_decsn" +, "subref" => \&app_decs +n, "field" => "decision" +, "size" => 2 }, "accepted" => { "subname" => "app_decsn" +, "subref" => \&app_decs +n, "field" => "accepted" +, "size" => 1 } }, "term_admits" => { "term" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 6 }, "level" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 2 }, "decision" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 2 }, "decision_date" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 10, "datatype" => "date" }, "appl_date" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 10, "datatype" => "date" }, "admt_code" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 2 }, "accepted_flg" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 1 }, "resident" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 1 }, "enrolled" => { "subname" => "enrolled_yn", "subref" => \&enrolled_yn, "field" => "enrolled", "size" => 1 }, "major" => { "subname" => "student", "subref" => \&student2, "field" => "major", "size" => 30 }, "hs_code" => { "subname" => "hs_gpa", "subref" => \&hs_gpa, "field" => "hs_code", "size" => 6 }, "high_school" => { "subname" => "hs_gpa", "subref" => \&hs_gpa, "field" => "hs_desc", "size" => 30 }, "hs_gpa" => { "subname" => "hs_gpa", "subref" => \&hs_gpa, "field" => "gpa", "size" => 4, "datatype" => "numeric" }, "hs_rank" => { "subname" => "hs_gpa", "subref" => \&hs_gpa, "field" => "rank", "size" => 4, "datatype" => "numeric" }, "hs_percentile" => { "subname" => "hs_gpa", "subref" => \&hs_gpa, "field" => "percentile", "size" => 5, "datatype" => "numeric" }, "hs_grad_date" => { "subname" => "hs_gpa", "subref" => \&hs_gpa, "field" => "grad_date", "size" => 10, "datatype" => "date" }, "level_of_interest" => { "subname" => "recruit", + "subref" => \&recruit, "field" => "level_of_ +interest", "size" => 30 }, "contact" => { "subname" => "contact", "subref" => \&contact, "field" => "contact", "size" => 30 } }, "term_schedule" => { "term" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 6 }, "crn" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 5 }, "subj" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 4 }, "crse" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 5 }, "crse_title" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "schd_code" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 3 }, "enrl" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 4, "datatype" => "numeric" }, "max_enrl" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 4, "datatype" => "numeric" }, "seats_avail" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 4, "datatype" => "numeric" }, "credit_hrs" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 5, "datatype" => "numeric" }, "bldg" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 6 }, "room" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 10 }, "time" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 9 }, "days" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 7 }, "capacity" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 4, "datatype" => "numeric" }, "instructor_lname" => { "subname" => "primary_in +structor", "subref" => \&primary_instruct +or, "field" => "lname", "size" => 60 }, "instructor_fname" => { "subname" => "primary_in +structor", "subref" => \&primary_instruct +or, "field" => "fname", "size" => 15 }, "instructor_mname" => { "subname" => "primary_in +structor", "subref" => \&primary_instruct +or, "field" => "full_mname", "size" => 15 }, "instructor_vnum" => { "subname" => "primary_in +structor", "subref" => \&primary_instruct +or, "field" => "vnum", "size" => 9 } } ); my %id_addr = ( "lname" => { "subname" => "id", "subref" => \&id, "field" => "lname", "size" => 60 }, "fname" => { "subname" => "id", "subref" => \&id, "field" => "fname", "size" => 15 }, "mname" => { "subname" => "id", "subref" => \&id, "field" => "full_mname", "size" => 15 }, "vnum" => { "subname" => "id", "subref" => \&id, "field" => "vnum", "size" => 9 }, "confidential" => { "subname" => "id", "subref" => \&id, "field" => "confidential", "size" => 1 }, "deceased" => { "subname" => "id", "subref" => \&id, "field" => "dead", "size" => 1 }, "citizen" => { "subname" => "id", "subref" => \&id, "field" => "citz", "size" => 2 }, "gender" => { "subname" => "id", "subref" => \&id, "field" => "gender", "size" => 1 }, "ethn_code" => { "subname" => "id", "subref" => \&id, "field" => "ethn_code", "size" => 2 }, "ethnicity" => { "subname" => "id", "subref" => \&id, "field" => "ethnicity", "size" => 30 }, "birthdate" => { "subname" => "id", "subref" => \&id, "field" => "birth_date", "size" => 10, "datatype" => "date" }, "age" => { "subname" => "id", "subref" => \&id, "field" => "age", "size" => 3, "datatype" => "numeric" }, "email" => { "subname" => "stu_email", "subref" => \&stu_email, "field" => "email_address", "size" => 90 }, "street1" => { "subname" => "get_addr_pr", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "street", "size" => 30 }, "street2" => { "subname" => "get_addr_pr", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "street2", "size" => 30 }, "street3" => { "subname" => "get_addr_pr", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "street2", "size" => 30 }, "city" => { "subname" => "get_addr_pr", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "city", "size" => 30 }, "state" => { "subname" => "get_addr_pr", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "state", "size" => 3 }, "zip" => { "subname" => "get_addr_pr", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "zip", "size" => 10 }, "nation" => { "subname" => "get_addr_pr", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "nation", "size" => 30 }, "natn" => { "subname" => "get_addr_pr", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "natn_code", "size" => 5 }, "county" => { "subname" => "get_addr_pr", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "county", "size" => 30 }, "atyp" => { "subname" => "get_addr_pr", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "atyp", "size" => 2 }, "phone" => { "subname" => "get_addr_pr", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "phone", "size" => 13 }, "street1_lo" => { "subname" => "get_addr_lo", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "street", "size" => 30 }, "street2_lo" => { "subname" => "get_addr_lo", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "street2", "size" => 30 }, "street3_lo" => { "subname" => "get_addr_lo", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "street2", "size" => 30 }, "city_lo" => { "subname" => "get_addr_lo", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "city", "size" => 30 }, "state_lo" => { "subname" => "get_addr_lo", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "state", "size" => 3 }, "zip_lo" => { "subname" => "get_addr_lo", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "zip", "size" => 10 }, "nation_lo" => { "subname" => "get_addr_lo", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "nation", "size" => 30 }, "natn_lo" => { "subname" => "get_addr_lo", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "natn_code", "size" => 5 }, "county_lo" => { "subname" => "get_addr_lo", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "county", "size" => 30 }, "atyp_lo" => { "subname" => "get_addr_lo", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "atyp", "size" => 2 }, "phone_lo" => { "subname" => "get_addr_lo", "subref" => \&get_addr, "field" => "phone", "size" => 13 } ); add2hash( $obj_accessor{term_students}, \%id_addr ); add2hash( $obj_accessor{term_faculty}, \%id_addr ); add2hash( $obj_accessor{term_balances}, \%id_addr ); add2hash( $obj_accessor{term_recruits}, \%id_addr ); add2hash( $obj_accessor{term_appls}, $obj_accessor{term_students} ); add2hash( $obj_accessor{term_admits}, $obj_accessor{term_students} ); # ==================================================================== # Dependent Table Definitions (dependent on table definitions above) # ==================================================================== # term_students_id # ---------------- # Note: not used as a table for "queries", but needed as a table defi +nition # for building other tables $obj_accessor{"term_students_id"} = { }; add2hash( $obj_accessor{term_students_id}, $obj_accessor{term_students +} ); # for performance in one-to-many joins, the term_students_id sub retur +ns the id() # fields, unlike the term_students sub $obj_accessor{term_students_id}->{"lname"} = { "subname" => "SELF +", "size" => 60 + }; $obj_accessor{term_students_id}->{"fname"} = { "subname" => "SELF +", "size" => 15 + }; $obj_accessor{term_students_id}->{"mname"} = { "subname" => "SELF +", "size" => 15 + }; $obj_accessor{term_students_id}->{"vnum"} = { "subname" => "SELF +", "size" => 9 + }; $obj_accessor{term_students_id}->{"confidential"} = { "subname" => "S +ELF", "size" => 1 + }; $obj_accessor{term_students_id}->{"deceased"} = { "subname" => "SELF +", "size" => 1 + }; $obj_accessor{term_students_id}->{"citizen"} = { "subname" => "SELF +", "size" => 2 + }; $obj_accessor{term_students_id}->{"gender"} = { "subname" => "SELF +", "size" => 1 + }; $obj_accessor{term_students_id}->{"ethn_code"} = { "subname" => "SELF +", "size" => 2 + }; $obj_accessor{term_students_id}->{"ethnicity"} = { "subname" => "SELF +", "size" => 30 + }; $obj_accessor{term_students_id}->{"birthdate"} = { "subname" => "SELF +", "size" => 10, "datatype" => "dat +e" }; $obj_accessor{term_students_id}->{"age"} = { "subname" => "SELF +", "size" => 3 + }; # stu_schedule # ------------ $obj_accessor{"stu_schedule"} = { }; add2hash( $obj_accessor{stu_schedule}, $obj_accessor{term_students_id} + ); # different population with same fields as term_students_id p +lus # additional fields (SELF refers to &stu_schedule at run time +) # stu_schedule fields not in term_students_id add2hash( $obj_accessor{stu_schedule}, { "crn" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 5 }, "crse_level" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 2 }, "subject" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 4 }, "course" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 5 }, "credit_hrs" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 5, "datatype" => "numeric" }, "add_date" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 10, "datatype" => "date" }, "grade" => { "subname" => "grade", "subref" => \&grade, "field" => "grade", "size" => 6 }, "instructor_lname" => { "subname" => "primary_instructor", "subref" => \&primary_instructor, "field" => "lname", "size" => 60 }, "instructor_fname" => { "subname" => "primary_instructor", "subref" => \&primary_instructor, "field" => "fname", "size" => 15 }, "instructor_mname" => { "subname" => "primary_instructor", "subref" => \&primary_instructor, "field" => "full_mname", "size" => 15 }, "instructor_vnum" => { "subname" => "primary_instructor", "subref" => \&primary_instructor, "field" => "vnum", "size" => 9 } } ); # term_graduates # -------------- $obj_accessor{"term_graduates"} = { }; add2hash( $obj_accessor{term_graduates}, $obj_accessor{term_students} +); delete $obj_accessor{term_graduates}->{resident}; # will replace belo +w add2hash( $obj_accessor{term_graduates}, { "grad_year" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "grad_date" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 10, "datatype" => "date" }, "degr_code" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 6 }, "degree" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "college" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "dept" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "honors" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "major2" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "conc1_1" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "conc1_2" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "conc1_3" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "conc2_1" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "conc2_2" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "conc2_3" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "minor2" => { "subname" => "SELF", "size" => 30 }, "resident" => { "subname" => "first_student", "subref" => \&first_student, "field" => "resident", "size" => 1 } } ); # new_fr # ------ $obj_accessor{"new_fr"} = { }; add2hash( $obj_accessor{new_fr}, $obj_accessor{term_students} ); # new_tr # ------ $obj_accessor{"new_tr"} = { }; add2hash( $obj_accessor{new_tr}, $obj_accessor{term_students} ); # new_fr_tr # --------- $obj_accessor{"new_fr_tr"} = { }; add2hash( $obj_accessor{new_fr_tr}, $obj_accessor{term_students} ); # new_fr_sched # ------ $obj_accessor{"new_fr_sched"} = { }; add2hash( $obj_accessor{new_fr_sched}, $obj_accessor{stu_schedule} ); # new_tr_sched # ------ $obj_accessor{"new_tr_sched"} = { }; add2hash( $obj_accessor{new_tr_sched}, $obj_accessor{stu_schedule} ); # new_fr_tr_sched # --------- $obj_accessor{"new_fr_tr_sched"} = { }; add2hash( $obj_accessor{new_fr_tr_sched}, $obj_accessor{stu_schedule} +); # =================== # Subroutine Params # =================== # driver subs %methods = ( "term_students" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "term", "level" ] }, "stu_schedule" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "term", "level" ] }, "term_appls" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "term", "level" ] }, "term_admits" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "term", "level" ] }, "term_graduates" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "term", "level" ] }, "term_balances" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "term", "dcat_code" ] }, "term_recruits" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "term", "level" ] }, "term_fac_sched" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "term" ] }, "term_schedule" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "term" ] }, "new_fr" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "term" ] }, "new_tr" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "term" ] }, "new_fr_tr" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "term" ] }, "new_fr_sched" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "term" ] }, "new_tr_sched" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "term" ] }, "new_fr_tr_sched" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "term" ] }, # supporting subs "id" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm" ] }, "get_addr_lo" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm", "DO", "LO", "CU" ] }, "get_addr_pr" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm", "PR", "CU", "LO" ] }, "academic_level" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm", "\$level" ] }, "stu_email" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm" ] }, "advisor" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm", "\$term" ] }, "all_gpa_o" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm", "\$level" ] }, "term_hrs" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm", "\$term" ] }, "grade" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm", "\$term", "\$crn" ] }, "class" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm", "\$level" ] }, "enrolled_yn" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm", "\$term" ] }, "student" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm", "\$term" ] }, "first_student" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm" ] }, "hs_gpa" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm" ] }, "SAT" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm" ] }, "ACT" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm" ] }, "fac_sched" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm", "\$term" ] }, "last_tr_coll" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm" ] }, "fr_cohort" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm" ] }, "primary_instructor" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$term", "\$crn" ] }, "section_meet" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$term", "\$crn" ] }, "recr_status" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$term", "\$crn" ] }, "coll_info" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm" ] }, "hs_info" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$hs_code" ] }, "recruit" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm", "\$term", "\$level" ] }, "contact" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm" ] }, "app_decsn" => { "parms" => [ "dbh", "\$pidm", "\$term", "\$appl_no", "12/31/2199" ] } );
, which also maps the table column names to subroutines that get the data.

The sql parser calls the sub get_data() in the following code (See 1st reply for code)

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Function Dispatcher Table for Virtual Data Warehouse
by jeremyh (Beadle) on Feb 05, 2005 at 00:12 UTC
    must have exceeded a length limit or maybe having multiple readmore/code tags is a problem - here's the code for the dispatcher module:

    get_data() is passed $cols, $tab, $where, $order by the lex/yacc parser.

    The package also has some functions that are used by the lex/yacc parser to parse the query.

    The data retrieval functions are in separate packages.

    The .tables file can represent any data model as long as you have the data retrieval functions for it (we use perl DBI against Oracle, but that is not a requirement).

    Data retrieval functions must return references to arrays of hash references ("records") of the form:

    { "id" => 12345, "lname" => "Jones", "fname" => "Mary, ... }

    if they are "driver functions (return the base information for a population), or they must return hash references ("records") if they are supporting functions (return the "join table" information).

    Only single-table queries against the virtual warehouse are supported.

    For a more complete description see

Re: Function Dispatcher Table for Virtual Data Warehouse
by jeremyh (Beadle) on Mar 08, 2005 at 22:28 UTC
    I am changing jobs, so if the documentation at

    is not available, you will find it at