in reply to Unpacking variable length bit fields

If your lengths aren't necessarily multiples of 8,
my @fields; my $bits = unpack('B*', $input); while ($bits) { die if length($bits) < 8; my $num_bits = unpack('C', pack('B*', substr($bits, 0, 8, ''))); my $field = substr($bits, 0, $num_bits, ''); push @fields, $field; }

You can probably do this more efficiently using bit twiddling, but this is simpler.

If you want the result as a number rather than a string of "1"s and "0"s, you can use the following:

use Config qw( ); use constant UV_BITS => $Config::Config{uvsize} * 8; die if $num_bits > UV_BITS; push @fields, pack('B*', substr(("0" x UV_BITS).$field, -UV_BITS));