User since: Sep 08, 2012 at 00:50 UTC (12 years ago)
Last here: Jul 20, 2021 at 21:50 UTC (3 years ago)
Experience: 49
Level:Novice (2)
Writeups: 2
Location:McKees Rocks
User's localtime: Apr 24, 2024 at 14:27 EDT
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Ghosted since the 90s. Hobby everything, including coding, robotics, and couch sitting. I am a Perl Buddhist. Speak in your proficient language. If you wish to speak in Perl, I will try to help. If you are trying to learn to speak another language, I can help as well. Perl, as with any other language, is just a language. If you want to learn to say "Hello" in Russian, but you only know French, I welcome you, and will help as I can. Any NP complete language will accomplish your task. I prefer Perl, but I shall not shun you for adhering to another way, and I will not embrace you for following my way. Do what is comfortable for you. And I won't judge you.