in reply to Moose: apply Role at Runtime (build vs. default) [solved]

Works for me!

use v5.14; use strict; use warnings; package MyObject { use Moose; } package MyRole { use Moose::Role; has myattr => ( is => 'ro', lazy => 1, builder => '_build_myattr', ); sub _build_myattr { "value"; } } my $obj = "MyObject"->new; Moose::Util::apply_all_roles($obj, "MyRole"); say $obj->myattr;

Also, whenever you call a builder method from a coderef, make sure you call it as a method so that subclassing works.

# Not this... default => \&_build_myattr, # This! default => sub { shift->_build_myattr(@_) },
package Cow { use Moo; has name => (is => 'lazy', default => sub { 'Mooington' }) } say Cow->new->name

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Re^2: Moose: apply Role at Runtime (build vs. default)
by Brutha (Friar) on Apr 04, 2013 at 14:16 UTC

    First, thank you for your answer. Guess what, it works for me as well :(

    The reason for my late answer is, that my problem is a bit more complex. I have a base class and create on the fly a Role and then a Class from that Role and the baseclass. Later I apply that role with the default/builder problem. Putting that together in my sample code works as well with builders.

    Now I try to figure out where the difference is between my real code and the sample, as the real code still does give that error. (Not) Using MooseX::Declare does not make a difference.

    And it came to pass that in time the Great God Om spake unto Brutha, the Chosen One: "Psst!"
    (Terry Pratchett, Small Gods)