in reply to Re^2: Locating a specified number of contiguous 0 bits within a large bitstring efficiently.
in thread Locating a specified number of contiguous 0 bits within a large bitstring efficiently.

Using index looking for contiguous NULL bytes in the vector seems to be much faster.

use strict; use warnings; use 5.014; use List::Util qw{ max }; use Time::HiRes qw{ gettimeofday tv_interval }; my $t0 = [ gettimeofday() ]; srand 1234567; my $vec = q{}; vec( $vec, 536_870_911, 1 ) = 0; vec( $vec, $_ , 1 ) = 1 for 1 .. 21143; vec( $vec, int rand 536_870_911, 1 ) = 1 for 1 .. 1e7; my $t1 = [ gettimeofday() ]; say qq{Creating vector - @{ [ tv_interval( $t0, $t1 ) ] }}; my $bitStr = unpack q{b*}, $vec; my $t2 = [ gettimeofday() ]; say qq{Unpacking bitstring - @{ [ tv_interval( $t1, $t2 ) ] }}; say qq{Longest contiguous block of zeros is }, max map length, $bitStr =~ m{(0+)}g, q{ bits long}; my $t3 = [ gettimeofday() ]; say qq{Finding longest block - @{ [ tv_interval( $t2, $t3 ) ] }}; say qq{\nSearch using regex}; for my $numZeros ( 25, 10, 78, 3, 943, 307, 5, 599, 19, 345 ) { my $ts = [ gettimeofday() ]; say qq{At least $numZeros contiguous 0s }, $bitStr =~ m{(0{$numZeros,})} ? qq{found at offset $-[ 0 ], length @{ [ length $1 ] }} : q{could not be found}; say qq{ Search took - @{ [ tv_interval( $ts, [ gettimeofday() +] ) ] }}; } say qq{\nSearch using index}; for my $numZeros ( 25, 10, 78, 3, 943, 307, 5, 599, 19, 345 ) { my $ts = [ gettimeofday() ]; if ( $numZeros < 23 ) { my $buffer = q{}; my $offset = -1; my $bufStart = 0; my $lookFor = q{0} x $numZeros; while ( $bufStart < length $vec ) { $buffer = unpack q{b*}, substr $vec, $bufStart, 131; do { say qq{At least $numZeros contiguous 0s found at }, $bufStart * 8 + $offset; last; } unless ( $offset = index $buffer, $lookFor ) == -1; $bufStart += 128; } say qq{At least $numZeros contiguous 0s could not be found} if $offset == -1; } else { my $wholeBytes = int( ( $numZeros - 7 ) / 8 ); my $lookFor = qq{\0} x $wholeBytes; my $offset = -1; my $zerosToTheLeft = 0; my $zerosToTheRight = 0; while ( ( $offset = index $vec, $lookFor, $offset ) > -1 ) { $zerosToTheLeft = zerosToTheLeft( $offset ); $zerosToTheRight = zerosToTheRight( $offset, $wholeBytes ) +; last if ( $wholeBytes * 8 + $zerosToTheLeft + $zerosToTheR +ight ) >= $numZeros; $offset += $wholeBytes; } if ( $offset == -1 ) { say qq{At least $numZeros contiguous 0s could not be found +}; } else { say qq{At least $numZeros contiguous 0s found at }, $offset * 8 - $zerosToTheLeft; } } say qq{ Search took - @{ [ tv_interval( $ts, [ gettimeofday() +] ) ] }}; } sub zerosToTheLeft { my $offset = shift; return 0 unless $offset; my $byteStr = unpack q{b*}, substr $vec, $offset - 1, 1; return 0 unless $byteStr =~ m{(0+)$}; return length $1; } sub zerosToTheRight { my( $offset, $wholeBytes ) = @_; return 0 if ( $offset + $wholeBytes ) == length $vec; my $byteStr = unpack q{b*}, substr $vec, $offset + $wholeBytes, 2; return 0 unless $byteStr =~ m{^(0+)}; return length $1; }

The output.

Creating vector - 6.651795 Unpacking bitstring - 2.116776 Longest contiguous block of zeros is 843 Finding longest block - 9.871085 Search using regex At least 25 contiguous 0s found at offset 21144, length 65 Search took - 1.684111 At least 10 contiguous 0s found at offset 21144, length 65 Search took - 0.737168 At least 78 contiguous 0s found at offset 21302, length 94 Search took - 0.701232 At least 3 contiguous 0s found at offset 21144, length 65 Search took - 0.704558 At least 943 contiguous 0s could not be found Search took - 12.084963 At least 307 contiguous 0s found at offset 31289, length 343 Search took - 0.658849 At least 5 contiguous 0s found at offset 21144, length 65 Search took - 0.702935 At least 599 contiguous 0s found at offset 5476471, length 625 Search took - 0.822874 At least 19 contiguous 0s found at offset 21144, length 65 Search took - 0.702927 At least 345 contiguous 0s found at offset 70112, length 351 Search took - 0.703438 Search using index At least 25 contiguous 0s found at 21144 Search took - 6.5e-05 At least 10 contiguous 0s found at 21144 Search took - 0.000149 At least 78 contiguous 0s found at 21302 Search took - 4.1e-05 At least 3 contiguous 0s found at 21144 Search took - 0.00014 At least 943 contiguous 0s could not be found Search took - 0.959815 At least 307 contiguous 0s found at 31289 Search took - 8e-05 At least 5 contiguous 0s found at 21144 Search took - 0.00015 At least 599 contiguous 0s found at 5476471 Search took - 0.009874 At least 19 contiguous 0s found at 21144 Search took - 0.000154 At least 345 contiguous 0s found at 70112 Search took - 0.000122

This looks a lot more encouraging, I hope it can be adapted for your needs.



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Re^4: Locating a specified number of contiguous 0 bits within a large bitstring efficiently.
by BrowserUk (Patriarch) on Jun 07, 2013 at 20:34 UTC
    This looks a lot more encouraging, I hope it can be adapted for your needs.

    I wholeheartedly agree. Those timings make this a much more viable approach. Thank you. I will add it to my benchmarking.

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