in reply to Favorite programming language, other than Perl:

I would have to say my secont favorit languge would be VRML verson 2. i'm not talking about VRMLscript I mean pure VRML. who needs veriables or fancy control logic. I had a three story elevator but this is what I could quickly find on the web(and was mine)
#VRML V2.0 utf8 PROTO doorx [ field SFVec3f t 0 0 0 ] { Transform { translation IS t children [ DEF doorts TouchSensor { } DEF ts TimeSensor { cycleInterval 10 loop FALSE } DEF pi PositionInterpolator { key [ 0 .1 .9 1 ] keyValue [ .25 0 0 .75 0 0 .75 0 0 .25 0 0 ] } DEF pi2 PositionInterpolator { key [ 0 .1 .9 1 ] keyValue [ -.25 0 0 -.75 0 0 -.75 0 0 -.25 0 0 ] } DEF tr Transform { translation .25 0 0 children [ Shape { geometry Box { size .5 2.5 .01 } } ] } DEF tr2 Transform { translation -.25 0 0 children [ Shape { geometry Box { size .5 2.5 .01 } } ] } ] } ROUTE ts.fraction_changed TO pi.set_fraction ROUTE pi.value_changed TO tr.set_translation ROUTE doorts.touchTime TO ts.set_startTime ROUTE ts.fraction_changed TO pi2.set_fraction ROUTE pi2.value_changed TO tr2.set_translation }
/o o\