in reply to How can I Check the permissions of the folder,and correct them?
in thread rmtree deletes everything inside the folder but doesn't deletes the root folder him self

Well I don't know your system but on Win32 its tricky. Here is how. Its actually a subroutine to check if a directory is empty and then remove it (of course you could just force it to remove it with the the "rmtree" command, but better to be safe).

Also uncomment the commented-out section if you want it to display the folder permissions mask before you alter them.

What I don't like about this code is that doing a directory listing to check if a directory is empty is slow, especially if a directory is large. There could be an easy command to do that that I'm simply not aware of (probable!).
#!perl use Win32::FileSecurity; use Cwd qw(cwd); use File::Path; use strict; use warnings; sub remove_dir { my ($path) = @_; my $currpath = cwd; my $ok = chdir $path; if ($ok) { my @dir = <*>; ## check if directory is empty if (!@dir) { my $dirmask = Win32::FileSecurity::MakeMask( qw(FULL GENER +IC_ALL) ); my %hash; # if ( Win32::FileSecurity::Get( $path, \%hash ) ) { # while( (my $name, my $mask) = each %hash ) { # print "$name:\n\t"; # my @happy; # Win32::FileSecurity::EnumerateRights( $mask, \@happy +) ; # print join( "\n\t", @happy ), "\n"; # } # } Win32::FileSecurity::Get( $path, \%hash); $hash{Administrator} = $dirmask; $ok = chdir $currpath; if ( Win32::FileSecurity::Set($path, \%hash) ) { print "\n\t$path --> Permissions Changed"; } else { print "\n\t$path --> Permission change failed$!\n$^E"; } if (rmtree $path) { print "\n\t$path --> Removed"; } else { print "\n\t$path --> Can't be removed $!\n$^E"; } } } }

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Re: Re: How can I Check the permissions of the folder,and correct them?
by Nelly (Novice) on Apr 28, 2004 at 13:42 UTC
    THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!