in reply to Extract subroutines from a Perl script. OR: "Only perl can parse Perl." But can it help me to do so?

The following should work fine assuming there are no regular expressions, text assignments, etc. containing { or } inside the subs. With a little additional code (make a copy of the original text, remove harmful code, then search it and return sections of the original) this could be made to work for pretty much anything. Enjoy.
&get_subs('', \@arr); print @arr[0]; sub get_subs { my ($start, $n, $inp, $path, $p); $path = shift; $p = shift; open(INP, '') || die; $inp = ' ' . join('', <INP>); close(INP); while ($inp =~ /[\n ]sub[\n ]/g) { $start = pos($inp) - 4; $n = 1; pos($inp) = index($inp, '{', pos($inp)) + 1; while ($inp =~ /(}|{)/g) { if ($1 eq '}') { if (!(--$n)) { last; } } else { $n++; } } push(@$p, substr($inp, $start, pos($inp) - $start)); } }
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