in reply to How to remove an apostrophe?

To make sure the characters in the filename are what you think they are, try something like this to decipher $newName:
map { printf "Char(%s) = Ascii %d\n", $_, ord $_ } split //, $newName;
For reference, you can also display an ascii chart (showing hex, decimal and the character) with:
map {printf"%3d %2x %2s|",$_,$_,$_<32?'^'.chr$_+64:$_<127?chr$_:'^?'} +(0..127);
which displays:
  0  0 ^@|  1  1 ^A|  2  2 ^B|  3  3 ^C|  4  4 ^D|  5  5 ^E|  6  6 ^F|  7  7 ^G|
  8  8 ^H|  9  9 ^I| 10  a ^J| 11  b ^K| 12  c ^L| 13  d ^M| 14  e ^N| 15  f ^O|
 16 10 ^P| 17 11 ^Q| 18 12 ^R| 19 13 ^S| 20 14 ^T| 21 15 ^U| 22 16 ^V| 23 17 ^W|
 24 18 ^X| 25 19 ^Y| 26 1a ^Z| 27 1b ^[| 28 1c ^\| 29 1d ^]| 30 1e ^^| 31 1f ^_|
 32 20   | 33 21  !| 34 22  "| 35 23  #| 36 24  $| 37 25  %| 38 26  &| 39 27  '|
 40 28  (| 41 29  )| 42 2a  *| 43 2b  +| 44 2c  ,| 45 2d  -| 46 2e  .| 47 2f  /|
 48 30  0| 49 31  1| 50 32  2| 51 33  3| 52 34  4| 53 35  5| 54 36  6| 55 37  7|
 56 38  8| 57 39  9| 58 3a  :| 59 3b  ;| 60 3c  <| 61 3d  =| 62 3e  >| 63 3f  ?|
 64 40  @| 65 41  A| 66 42  B| 67 43  C| 68 44  D| 69 45  E| 70 46  F| 71 47  G|
 72 48  H| 73 49  I| 74 4a  J| 75 4b  K| 76 4c  L| 77 4d  M| 78 4e  N| 79 4f  O|
 80 50  P| 81 51  Q| 82 52  R| 83 53  S| 84 54  T| 85 55  U| 86 56  V| 87 57  W|
 88 58  X| 89 59  Y| 90 5a  Z| 91 5b  [| 92 5c  \| 93 5d  ]| 94 5e  ^| 95 5f  _|
 96 60  `| 97 61  a| 98 62  b| 99 63  c|100 64  d|101 65  e|102 66  f|103 67  g|
104 68  h|105 69  i|106 6a  j|107 6b  k|108 6c  l|109 6d  m|110 6e  n|111 6f  o|
112 70  p|113 71  q|114 72  r|115 73  s|116 74  t|117 75  u|118 76  v|119 77  w|
120 78  x|121 79  y|122 7a  z|123 7b  {|124 7c  ||125 7d  }|126 7e  ~|127 7f ^?|

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^2: How to remove an apostrophe?
by PrakashK (Pilgrim) on Oct 13, 2005 at 15:04 UTC
    map {printf"%3d %2x %2s|",$_,$_,$_<32?'^'.chr$_+64:$_<127?chr$_:'^?'} +(0..127);

    Cool (and useful) one-liner, replacing man ascii!

    I added it to my ~/.bash/functions, with a few changes replace the quote chracters so it would be acceptable to bash. Also, added a newline for every 8 characters.

    function ascii { perl -e ' map { printf q{%3d %2X %2s|%s}, $_, $_, $_<32 ? q{^}.chr($_+64) : $_<127 ? chr : q{^?}, ($_+1)%8 ? q{} : $/ } 0..127 ' }


    PS: I tried making it a bash alias, but it was too much trouble working around all those quotes to prevent bash interpolating $_ etc!