in reply to get the filename from CGI::UploadEasy

You are in the land of a reference to a hash of hashes. If you are just learning the language and the idioms are unfamiliar to you, you might explicitly dereference first off to simplify

read perldoc perlref

my $ref = $ue->filinfo; my %HoH = %{$ref};
Then you have a hash or hashes which is a hash in which the keys are the filenames and the values are hash references.

the canonical print idiom from perldoc perdsc is: (although your taste may differ once you develop it):

foreach my $filename ( keys %HoH ) { print "$filename: { "; for my $key ( keys %{ $HoH{$filename} } ) { print "$key =$HoH{$filename}{$key} "; } print "}\n"; }