User since: Jul 27, 2006 at 16:55 UTC (18 years ago)
Last here: Jul 21, 2008 at 03:50 UTC (16 years ago)
Experience: 210
Level:Beadle (5)
Writeups: 14
Location:Cloud Base 9, Neptune
User's localtime: Apr 23, 2024 at 08:36 UTC
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I am a retired Captain of the 7th Fleet, Earth Invasion Force. In my spare time I dabble with Computational Linguistics and Perl. I'm good at neither, but derive a great deal of satisfaction from these subjects.

Besides planning for an invasion that never took place (we decided a covert infiltration in our new human bodies was the more humane solution, as who would notice a few hundred more weirdos on the face of the Earth?), I have been almost every type of software developer possible (although COBOL only tortured me in college and the many nightmares since). I've been a Java, C#.Net, VB6, C, C++, PalmOS, Perl, Sys admin, DBA (Oracle and even pushed a little MySQL), whatever. I'll probably never take another developer job in another widget factory, having served time in telecommunications, custom software shops, GIS/Avionics embedded, and academics.