in reply to Re: Multithreaded Script CPU Usage
in thread Multithreaded Script CPU Usage

Just a few comments:
1) You should not need 2 scripts. If your initial script did not create threads, but instead began scans using 'system' and putting the process in background, then the same script can monitor the output files and start new FileList executions as previous ones end.
2) There is still the issue of what the 2 mysql functions really do. You might post the 'fix-the-file' function and the 'load data' function code if they are not too large. Either of these could also be taking lots of CPU. Does your mysql_load_data create bulk inserts or individual inserts? bulk inserts are much faster, both for the client and the server

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Re^3: Multithreaded Script CPU Usage
by Illuminatus (Curate) on Aug 29, 2008 at 15:34 UTC
    From what I can see, the functions you listed should be fine. My point about the single script went back to the initial problem. Your initial problem was that the main perl script was taking 75% CPU. As was pointed out, this was likely caused by the thread module itself. If you modified your script as I suggested, the perl script should end up using very little CPU, and could therefore run fine together on a single system. Of course, your mileage may vary...
      You were absolutely right. I appolologize for not taking your advice sooner.
Re^3: Multithreaded Script CPU Usage
by Zenshai (Sexton) on Aug 26, 2008 at 17:38 UTC
    The reason I am going to try spliting the script across 2 machines is because I was thinking the same thing as Perlbotics above. There is just too much load on the resources if I try to do everything at the same time. By splitting the global task in 2 parts I can either run both concurrently on 2 machines or in sequence on 1, depending on my time constraints.

    But just in case, here is the rest of the code you were asking for. Am I doing something horribly wrong there that is causing needless load on the CPU?

    The Load data function just executes this sql:
    my $sql = qq{ LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE \"$mysql_tmp_filename\" INTO TABLE `$tblname` FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY enclosed by '\"' ESCAPED BY '\\\\' LINES TERMINATED BY '\\r\\n' IGNORE 3 LINES (file_name,\@file_p,file_size,\@file_la,\@file_lc,\@file_c, file_exten +sion) set file_last_access = STR_TO_DATE(\@file_la, '%c/%e/%Y %l:%i %p'), file_path = \@file_p, file_share_name = substring_index(substring_index(\@file_p,'\\\\',3),' +\\\\',-1), file_last_change = STR_TO_DATE(\@file_lc, '%c/%e/%Y %l:%i %p'), file_creation = STR_TO_DATE(\@file_c, '%c/%e/%Y %l:%i %p') }; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute();
    and here is fix_file_4mysql:
    sub fix_file_4mysql { #arguments: 1) path to file #returns: 1) the filename fixed for use in a mysql query #fix the contents of the temp file for use in mysql my $tmp_filename = shift; open( IN, "+<$tmp_filename" ); my @file = <IN>; seek IN, 0, 0; foreach my $file (@file) { $file =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; print IN $file; } close IN; #fix temp_filename for use in mysql my $mysql_tmp_filename = $tmp_filename; $mysql_tmp_filename =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; return $mysql_tmp_filename; }