This code basically grabs the Newest Nodes XML, grabs each node and mails it...
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use XML::Parser; use LWP::Simple; use MIME::Lite; my $parser = new XML::Parser ( Handlers => { Start => \&hdl_start, Cha +r => \&hdl_char}); my $id = undef; my %Nodes = (); my $type = undef; my $xml_stream = get(" +xml+generator"); $parser->parse($xml_stream); foreach my $key (keys %Nodes) { my $page = get("$key"); my $msg = MIME::Lite->new( From =>'', To =>'', Subject => "Perlmonks Node $Nodes{$key}", Data => "Perlmonks Newest Nodes" ); $msg->attach(Type =>'text/html', Data =>$page); $msg->send; print "Sending part $Nodes{$key}\n"; } sub hdl_start{ my ($p, $elt, %atts) = @_; $type = $elt; if ($type eq "NODE") { $id = $atts{node_id}; } } sub hdl_char { my ($p, $str) = @_; $str =~ s/\n//g; if ($type eq "NODE" && $str) { #print $id," => ",$str,"\n"; $Nodes{$id} = $str; } }
Todo: Ofcourse this could be used as base for an NNTP link...

... Quidquid perl dictum sit, altum viditur.