in reply to (Golf as well): List of Partitions

Rule #7 for sociopathic obsessive compulsives is "If you can't win, change the rules".

So here is a context-free iterator that produces all unique partitionings along with a golfed version of it:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; sub ipart { my( @a, $n )= @_; while( $n++, 0 == --$a[$#a] ){ $n += pop @a; return if ! @a; } do { push @a, @a && $a[$#a] < $n ? $a[$#a] : $n; $n -= $a[$#a]; } while( 0 < $n ); return @a; } sub ip { my(@a,$n)=@_;$n+=shift@a while$n++,@a&&!--$a[0]; {@a||last;@a=($a[0]<$n?$a[0]:$n,@a);($n-=$a[0])&&redo}@a } for( @ARGV ) { print "$_:\n"; my @p= $_; do { print " [",join(",",@p),"]\n"; } while( @p= ipart( @p ) ); print "$_:\n"; @p= $_; do { print " [",join(",",@p),"]\n"; } while( @p= ip( @p ) ); }
The advantage of a "context-free iterator" is that you can compute all possible partitions for really large numbers without running out of memory. They also tend to be pretty fast.

An iterator returns partitionings one at a time. "Context-free" means that all you have to pass subsequent calls to the iterator is the previously returned iterator.

Normally the first call to the iterator is a special case that initializes it and returns the first solution. In this case I cheat a little since ipart($n) looks like an initialization but can also be considered as passing in the first solution, I just start by returning the second solution.

Anyway, feel free to golf that down from the 104-character version I came up with (since the newline is not required).

        - tye (but my friends call me "Tye")