in reply to how to check if a number falls in a range?

how to check if a number falls in a range?
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my ($lower, $upper) = (40, 100); for my $num (17,42,99,111) { my $is_between = (sort {$a <=> $b} $lower, $upper, $num)[1] == $nu +m; printf "$num is%s between $lower and $upper\n", $is_between ? "" : + " not"; } __END__ 17 is not between 40 and 100 42 is between 40 and 100 99 is between 40 and 100 111 is not between 40 and 100

Or  (not sure which you meant) :

how should I check if the $start and $end in the range of $startPosition and $endPosition?
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; my ($lower, $upper) = (40, 100); for my $range ( [10,17], [30,71], [42,99], [83,120], [101,111] ) { my $is_within = [(sort {$a <=> $b} $lower, $upper, @$range)[1,2]] +~~ $range; printf "[@$range] is%s within [$lower $upper]\n", $is_within ? "" +: " not"; } __END__ [10 17] is not within [40 100] [30 71] is not within [40 100] [42 99] is within [40 100] [83 120] is not within [40 100] [101 111] is not within [40 100]
