in reply to blessed confusion

You want a clue-stick? Consider:

use strict; use warnings; package Base; sub new { my ($class, %args) = @_; return bless \%args, $class; } sub DoIt { my ($self) = @_; printf "In the base DoIt for an object of class %s\n", ref $self; } sub DoOther { my ($self) = @_; printf "In the base DoOther for an object of class %s\n", ref $sel +f; } package Derived; use parent 'Base'; sub new { my ($class, %args) = @_; return $class->SUPER::new (%args); } sub DoIt { my ($self) = @_; printf "In the derived DoIt for an object of class %s\n", ref $sel +f; $self->SUPER::DoIt (); } sub DoExtra { my ($self) = @_; printf "In the derived DoExtra for an object of class %s\n", ref $ +self; } package main; my $obj = Derived->new (); $obj->DoIt (); $obj->DoOther (); $obj->DoExtra ();


In the derived DoIt for an object of class Derived In the base DoIt for an object of class Derived In the base DoOther for an object of class Derived In the derived DoExtra for an object of class Derived

Note in particular that use parent is used to hook up the inheritance chain and that the derived constructor 'calls up' for the the base class's blessing.

True laziness is hard work