in reply to Returning foreach results in a Nagios-Friendly Fashion

If I'm understanding you correctly, you can just assemble $InfoData and $PerfData as you've detailed and push it onto some array for reference later instead of printing the information out.

$InfoData = sprintf("$targetname Avg.Time= $o_target"); $PerfData = sprintf( "value1=%f value2=%f value3=%f", $value1, $value2, $value3 ); push @results, { InfoData => $InfoData, PerfData => $PerfData, );

Now that you have all your results in @results, you can access it in a variety of ways:

foreach (@results) { my $info_data = $_->{InfoData}; my $perf_data = $_->{PerfData}; # Do whatever you need to... } # Or maybe: my $arb_info = $results[$arbitrary_idx]->{InfoData}; my $arb_perf = $results[$arbitrary_idx]->{PerfData};

Is that what you were asking?

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Re^2: Returning foreach results in a Nagios-Friendly Fashion
by bpthatsme (Novice) on Apr 03, 2012 at 21:58 UTC

    Riales you're the best :) Thanks as always! That is exactly it.


      I just wanted to update this thread with the way in which this problem was solved (it was a 'duh' moment). Perhaps this will help someone else down the line.

      244 # Build data structure and run calaculations for Jenkins syncroniz +ed metrics 245 246 my %seen = (); 247 248 open (FH, "< $resultsFile"); 249 my @lines = <FH>; 250 foreach my $line (@lines) { 251 my @values = split ',', $line; 252 253 my $col1_val = $values[1]; 254 my $key = $values[2]; 255 my $errors = $values[7]; 256 257 $key =~ s/LOGGED IN //; 258 $key =~ s/ GET //; 259 $key =~ s/ POST //; 260 $key =~ s/ //; 261 $key =~ s/\(PHP\)//; 262 $key =~ s/\(JAVA\)//; 263 264 $seen{$key}->{error_count}++ if $errors eq 'false'; 265 push @{$seen{$key}->{col1_vals}}, $col1_val; 266 267 } 268 269 my @results; 270 my @samples; 271 my @averages; 272 my @minimums; 273 my @maximums; 274 my @medians; 275 my @linenineties; 276 my @errors; 277 my @PerfA; 278 foreach my $key (keys %seen) { 279 my $sample_count = samplecount($seen{$key}->{col1_vals}); 280 my $error_count = ((($seen{$key}->{error_count})/($sample_coun +t))*100); 281 my $median = ((median($seen{$key}->{col1_vals}))/1000); 282 my $average = ((average($seen{$key}->{col1_vals}))/1000); 283 my $minimum = ((min($seen{$key}->{col1_vals}))/1000); 284 my $maximum = ((max($seen{$key}->{col1_vals}))/1000); 285 my $lineninety = ((lineninety($seen{$key}->{col1_vals}))/1000) +; 286 my $PerfA = sprintf("$key\_samples=$sample_count $key\_errs=$e +rror_count $key\_avg=$average $key\_min=$minimum $key\_max=$maximum $ +key\_med=$median $key\_line90=$lineninety"); 287 push (@samples, $sample_count); 288 push (@averages, $average); 289 push (@minimums, $minimum); 290 push (@maximums, $maximum); 291 push (@linenineties, $lineninety); 292 push (@errors, $error_count); 293 push (@medians, $median); 294 push (@PerfA, $PerfA); 295 } 296 297 close (FH); 298 299 my $total_avg = average(\@averages); 300 my $total_samples = eval join '+', @samples; 301 my $total_minimum = min(\@minimums); 302 my $total_maximum = max(\@maximums); 303 my $total_median = median(\@medians); 304 my $total_errors = average(\@errors); 305 my $total_lineninety = lineninety(\@linenineties); 306 my $PerfA_join = join ' ', @PerfA; 307 308 #comment this line out if you want to retain the results file for 309 #debugging/detailed results. 310 unlink ($resultsFile); 311 312 if ($sum > 0) { 313 $suminsecs = $sum / 1000; 314 } 315 316 my $PerfData = $PerfA_join; 317 318 if ($failure) { 319 $state = "CRITICAL"; 320 print "$state:$failure\n"; 321 } else { 322 my $details = ''; 323 324 if (defined($critTime) && ($critTime < $suminsecs)) { 325 $state = "CRITICAL"; 326 $details = " (critical $critTime)"; 327 }elsif (defined($warnTime) && ($warnTime < $suminsecs)) { 328 $state = "WARNING"; 329 $details = " (warning $warnTime)"; 330 } else { 331 $state = "OK"; 332 } 333 334 print "$state : $suminsecs seconds to complete $details Samples: +$total_samples Avg:$total_avg Min:$total_minimum Max:$total_maximum M +edian:$total_median ErrorPerc:$total_errors Line90 :$total_linenin +ety | TotalTimetoExecute=$suminsecs Samples=$total_samples AverageTim +e(sec)=$total_avg MinimumTime(sec)=$total_minimum MaximumTime(sec)=$t +otal_maximum MedianTime(sec)=$to tal_median TotalErrors(perc)=$tot +al_errors Line90(all)=$total_lineninety ".$PerfData."\n"; 335 336 }

      This was a good exercise in learning data structures in perl. For reference in the future I found the perlreftut, and doc pages on splice, push, and join extremely helpful.

      Thanks again to all who commented on this thread!

