I just turned 15 yesterday, so I thought I'd make a little something.
On an unrelated note, school ended yesterday as well, so it's not like I was bored or anything ;-)


f(e( ));sub a{%cp= (''. '131',[8,3 ], '1'. '30', [2], '12'. '2', [21],'129',[ 15, 11, 23], ''. '1'. '19',[9,18], '1'. '16', [10,22,14], '125', [6],'1'. '26', [7],'1'. '23 +', [16], '2'. '5',[ 25], '95', [13], '61', [24 +], '114',[20], '47',[4,17 ,12],'112',[19, 5],'' .'1 +32',[1], '89', [0] ) ; %cp; }sub + b { 15;} sub c{ $e= $_[0] -15; $e;} + sub d {chr ($_[ +0]);}sub e { %cp = a(); @cs=();foreach(keys %cp){my$av=c($_);my$cv=d($av);foreach(@{$cp{$av ++15}}){ $cs[$_]=$cv;}}return@cs;}sub f {print join( "", @_ );print "\n";}
bless( $you ) if $you->{sneezed};

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Making code less fun to read
by tobyink (Canon) on Jun 01, 2012 at 19:33 UTC

    length q bless glob and print chr ord uc q chr uc and print chr ord q each le and print chr ord q split s and print chr ord q open do and print chr ord q my alarm and print chr ord qq q q and print chr oct ord qw q for q and print chr ord q sin s and print chr ord q or no and print chr ord q lt eval and print chr ord q chr uc and print chr ord qw q die q and print chr ord q each le and print chr ord q my alarm and print chr ord q q q and print chr ord qw q for q and print chr ord q local and print chr ord q or no and print chr ord q q eq and print chr ord q my m and print chr ord q ne sin and print chr ord q msgctl m and print chr ord q stat s and print chr ord q ne sin and print chr ord q or no and print chr ord qw q dump q and print chr ord q map m and print chr ord q my alarm and print chr oct oct ord uc qw q fork q and print chr ord q q eq and print chr ord uc q each ne and print chr ord qw q not q and print chr ord qw q die q and print chr ord qq q q and print chr oct ord q pop and print chr oct oct oct ord uc qw q glob q and print chr ord q cmp lc and print chr ord q q q and print chr oct oct ord uc qw q m q and print chr hex ord q m alarm and print chr ord qq q q and print chr ord q lt eval and print chr ord q local and print chr ord qw q dump q and print chr ord q map m and print chr ord q my alarm and print chr hex length q q bless localtime ref q and print chr length q binmode glob

    perl -E'sub Monkey::do{say$_,for@_,do{($monkey=[caller(0)]->[3])=~s{::}{ }and$monkey}}"Monkey say"->Monkey::do'
      ${\&Internals::SvREADONLY(\!\$!,!\!$!)}='Happy birthday to both of you :)'; print!%!

      Thank you and congratulations to you as well! :-)

      bless( $you ) if $you->{sneezed};
      print qx q cat q and print qq q q xor not exp log srand and print qw q fork q xor (exp log srand)?print qx q cat q:print xor not exp log srand xor s qq qx xor s x x length uc ord and print chr ord for qw q get ord oct data qx xor eval xor print qq q q xor int eval lc q m cos and print chr ord for qw y join open break y m xor scalar srand print qq q q xor int eval lc qq y sqrt cos and print chr ord for qw x vec set fork int x y or eval xor print qq q q xor eval q s undef or oct xor print chr int ord lc foreach qw y get undef eof \s time y s gt sin sort split