in reply to Design elegance : How to best design this simple program ?

- find directories with spreadsheets of interest

Please define "spreadsheets of interest" How do you think you could take this files apart and not another spreadsheets uninteresting? that's a point that you'll need to solve

i need information from ALL of the spreadsheets in one directory

read about glob and wilcards like *.ods, *.xls or so

extension (file type) of your spreadsheets?

and i need information from a lines around $num_line-2, $num_line-2 and $num_line+1.

Didn't understand this part, sorry

- read all spreadsheets from a directory simultaneously

why simultaneoulsy? read file by file in the list provided by glob. A 1M file shouldn't be a real trouble to process

- calculate SOME_STUFF($num_line) on each line

what type of stuff?

- analyze and display the results

Probably the easy part

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