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Re^2: Out of memory and While replacements with excel XLSX application

by Anonymous Monk
on Oct 08, 2012 at 09:29 UTC ( [id://997792]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Out of memory and While replacements with excel XLSX application
in thread Out of memory and While replacements with excel XLSX application

Here is a start at refactoring

diff fudge fudge2

diff fudge2 fudge3

diff fudge3 fudge4

diff fudge4 fudge5

--- fudge4 2012-10-08 02:21:58.968750000 -0700 +++ fudge5 2012-10-08 02:21:55.468750000 -0700 @@ -143,12 +143,21 @@ } - for my $col ( qw{ 13 14 15 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 32 3 +9 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 }){ + for my $col ( + qw{ + 13 14 15 + 17 18 + 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 + 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 + } + ) + { if ( my $val = eval { $Sheet->Cells( $row, $col )->{Value +} } ) { push @prod, $val; } } + } } }

diff fudge5 fudge6

diff fudge6 fudge7

diff fudge7 fudge8

diff fudge8 fudge9

diff fudge9 fudge10

I end up with fudge10

#!C:\strawberry\perl\bin\perl ####Load Packages use strict; use warnings; use Win32::OLE qw(in with); #~ use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Excel'; use Win32::OLE::Variant; use Win32::OLE::NLS qw(:LOCALE :DATE); use List::MoreUtils qw(natatime); #~ use Excel::Writer::XLSX; ############################################################ ####Initialize Excel Object and Count Files to Process $Win32::OLE::Warn = 3; #die on errors... #get already active Excel application or open new my $Excel = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Excel.Application') || Win32::OLE->new( 'Excel.Application', 'Quit' ); #Get the file names of the production files and prints a status of the + results my $ProdDirect = 'C:/Users/McLovin/Documents/Thesis/Data/'; opendir DH, $ProdDirect or die "Cannot open $ProdDirect: $!"; my @files = grep { !-d } readdir DH; print "@files\n"; closedir DH; my $NumberofFiles = @files; print "Number of files is: $NumberofFiles\n"; ###################################################################### +########## ################################################################# ################Start Processing the Data######################## ################################################################# my $counti; #used to count the excelfiles my $usefile; #The file that is being used my @recID; #an array of ID's for the worksheets my $val; #A test value that is used to test whether a row should b +e included my @right ; #The first of the arrays that will be filled during the process an +d will be further disected later my @prod; #The second array, same as above my @legal; #The third #####Loop over all the files for ( $counti = 0 ; $counti < $NumberofFiles ; $counti++ ) { ##### open Excel file -- This is the input data files print "Working on file $counti of $NumberofFiles\n"; $usefile = $files[$counti]; ###This points to the folder where the excel files are placed my $workfile = "C:/Users/McLovin/Documents/Thesis/Datatal/" . "$us +efile"; print "$workfile\n"; BlahBlahNameHere( $Excel, $workfile, \@recID, \@right, \@legal, \@prod, ); } ###################################################################### +########## #Prints of the created arrays #print "@right\n"; #print "@legal\n"; #print "@prod\n"; ###################################################################### +########## ###################################################################### +############## #the process that eliminates duplicates in the @right array based on c +riteria #makes a copy of the array as it is destroyed in the next while statem +ent, This is maybe one of the problems my @rig = @right; #copy of array my @righ; # a new array that is the result of the while state +ment below my %seen; # a hash that stores agreementnumbers for unique en +tries #The array is in exact sets of 9 strings and i want it spliced a inter +vals of exactly those intervals while ( my ( $m, $n, $o, $p, $q, $r, $s, $t, $y ) = splice( @right, 0, + 9 ) ) { last if $m !~ /^\d{10}$/; next if $seen{$m}++; if ( $n =~ /Specific_region/ ) { if ( $o =~ /NG/ ) { push @righ, $m, $o, $p, $q, $r, $s, $t; } } } # print "@righ\n"; my @leg; #an array that holds the result for the next while statem +ent my @spli; #used as a container for certain entries in the while sta +tement my @joi; #another middle of equation array for picking up results %seen = () ; #emties the previous hash as the uniqueness of entries is also imp +ortant here my @tes; #yet another array for picking up results ###################################################################### +########## #the process that insures that each returned value is printed in the c +orrect #form and coupled with the ten digit number #again the array is organized in 6 values in a row that need to be sep +erated out into rows. while ( my ( $h, $aa, $rr, $j, $k, $l ) = splice( @legal, 0, 6 ) ) { last if $h !~ /^\d{10}$/; if ( $aa =~ /Specific_region/ ) { if ( $rr =~ /NG/ ) { if ( $j =~ /\n/ ) { next if $seen{$h}++; my @spli = split( /\n/, $j ); foreach my $n (@spli) { if ( $n =~ /LSD/ ) { my @tes = split( /LSD/, $n ); foreach my $lon (@tes) { if ( $lon =~ /SEC/ ) { my @joi = split( /-|W|:|\s|,|\(/, $lon + ); my $chans = @joi; my $eleg = join( "", @joi[ 0, 2, 1, $chans - 1 +] ); push @leg, $eleg, $h, $k, $l; } } } elsif ( $n =~ /\(/ ) { my @joi = split( /-|W|:|\s|\(/, $n ); my $chans = @joi; my $eleg = join( "", @joi[ 0, 2, 1, $chans - +2 ] ); push @leg, $eleg, $h, $k, $l; } else { my @joi = split( /-|W|:|\s/, $n ); my $chans = @joi; my $eleg = join( "", @joi[ 0, 2, 1, $chans - +1 ] ); push @leg, $eleg, $h, $k, $l; } } } else { next if $seen{$h}++; my @joi = split( /-|W|:|\s/, $j ); my $chans = @joi; my $eleg = join( "", @joi[ 0, 2, 1, $chans - 1 ] ); push @leg, $eleg, $h, $k, $l; } } } } #print "@leg\n"; my @peg; foreach my $loma (@leg) { if ( $loma =~ /^\d{7}$/ ) { substr( $loma, 6, 0, 0 ); push @peg, $loma; } else { push @peg, $loma; } } ###################################################################### +############## #the process that creates the production array for the entries my @produ; while ( my ( $cp, $aaa, $rrr, $dp, $ep, $fp, $gp, $hp, $ip, $jp, $kp, $lp, $mp, $np, $op, $pp, $qp, $rp, $sp, $tp, $up, $vp, $wp, $yp, $xp ) = splice( @prod, 0, 25 ) ) { last if $cp !~ /^\d{10}$/; if ( $aaa =~ /Specific_region/ ) { if ( $rrr =~ /NG/ ) { unless ( $dp =~ /a specific repeated text for all relevant entr +ies/ ) { #eliminate this if statement for option two, where entries with no act +ual production is included if ( defined($qp) && $qp =~ /\d\d-\d\d-\d{4}/ ) { push @produ, $dp, $ep, $cp, $fp, $gp, $hp, $ip, $j +p, $kp, $lp, $mp, $np, $op, $pp, $qp, $rp, $sp, $tp, $up +, $vp, $wp, $yp, $xp; } } } } } # print "@produ\n"; my @nwells; #an array that collects the results #creates the 4.2 entries "agreements with no wells while ( my ( $mn, $nn, $on, $pn, $qn, $rn, $sn, $tn, $yn ) = splice( @rig, 0, 9 ) ) { last if $mn !~ /^\d{10}$/; if ( $nn =~ /Specific_region/ ) { if ( $on =~ /NG/ ) { if ( $yn =~ /a specific repeated text for all relevant ent +ries/ ) { push @nwells, $mn, $on, $pn, $qn, $rn, $sn, $tn, $yn; } } } } # print "@nwells\n"; #Places results into arrays of arrays for easy computation in excel. u +ses natatime again the arrays # are of a specific size. per row. my @AAR; { my $iter = natatime 7, @righ; while ( my @tmp = $iter->() ) { push @AAR, \@tmp; } } my @BAR; { my $iter = natatime 4, @peg; while ( my @tmp = $iter->() ) { push @BAR, \@tmp; } } my @CAR; { my $iter = natatime 23, @produ; while ( my @tmp = $iter->() ) { push @CAR, \@tmp; } } my @DAR; { my $iter = natatime 8, @nwells; while ( my @tmp = $iter->() ) { push @DAR, \@tmp; } } #####The new excel sheets that should contain the results my $workbooknew = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new('re1.xlsx'); my $worksheetnew = $workbooknew->add_worksheet(); $worksheetnew->keep_leading_zeros(); $worksheetnew->set_column( 'A:G', 30 ); $worksheetnew->write_col( 'A2', \@AAR ); ####This is the data on the legalnumber - introduce keep_leading zeroe +s for correct legal form my $workbooknew1 = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new('re2.xlsx'); my $worksheetnew1 = $workbooknew1->add_worksheet(); $worksheetnew1->keep_leading_zeros(); $worksheetnew1->set_column( 'A:D', 15 ); $worksheetnew1->write_col( 'A2', \@BAR ); # # ####This is the data on the production of the wells - introduce ke +ep_leading zeroes for correct legal form my $workbooknew2 = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new('re3.xlsx'); my $worksheetnew2 = $workbooknew2->add_worksheet(); my $worksheetnew3 = $workbooknew2->add_worksheet(); $worksheetnew2->set_column( 'A:W', 50 ); $worksheetnew2->write_col( 'A2', \@CAR ); $worksheetnew3->set_column( 'A:H', 30 ); $worksheetnew3->write_col( 'A2', \@DAR ); sub ValueTargetCols { my( $sheet, $targets, $rows, $cols ) = @_; for my $col ( @$cols ) { for my $row( @$rows ) { if ( my $val = eval { $sheet->Cells( $row, $col )->{Value} + } ) { for my $target ( @$targets ){ push @{$target}, $val; } } } } return; } sub BlahBlahNameHere { my( $Excel, $workfile, $recID, $right, $legal, $prod ) = @_; my $Book = $Excel->Workbooks->Open($workfile); my $sheetcnt = $Book->Worksheets->Count(); #~ foreach my $r ( 1 .. $sheetcnt ) { { my $Sheet = $Book->Worksheets( 1 ); push @$recID, $Sheet->{Name}; print "Worksheet name is $Sheet->{Name}\n"; my $Tot_Rows = $Sheet->UsedRange->Rows->{'Count'}; my $Tot_Cols = $Sheet->UsedRange->Columns->{'Count'}; my $firstCol = eval { $Sheet->Cells( 1, 1)->{'Value'} }; if( defined $firstCol and $firstCol =~ /^\d{10}$/ ) { push @$right, $firstCol; push @$legal, $firstCol; push @$prod, $firstCol; ValueTargetCols( $Sheet, [ $right, $legal, $prod, ], [ 1 .. $Tot_Rows ], [ qw{ 4 5 } ], ); ValueTargetCols( $Sheet, [ $legal, ], [ 1 .. $Tot_Rows ], [ qw{ 6 } ], ); ValueTargetCols( $Sheet, [ $right, ], [ 1 .. $Tot_Rows ], [ qw{ 7 8 9 } ], ); ValueTargetCols( $Sheet, [ $right, $legal, ], [ 1 .. $Tot_Rows ], [ qw{ 10 11 } ], ); ValueTargetCols( $Sheet, [ $prod, $right, ], [ 1 .. $Tot_Rows ], [ qw{ 12 } ], ); ValueTargetCols( $Sheet, [ $prod ], [ 1 .. $Tot_Rows ], [ qw{ 13 14 15 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 } ], ); } } $Book->Close; } __END__

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Re^3: Out of memory and While replacements with excel XLSX application
by Anonymous Monk on Oct 08, 2012 at 09:41 UTC
    ValueTargetCols should loop over rows first then cols, but it probably makes no difference in the results in this case

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