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Re^11: How to read the value of a variable (read from a Excel file converted Into text file) and put then back into Excel column

by rockyurock (Acolyte)
on Feb 24, 2017 at 18:03 UTC ( [id://1182746]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^10: How to read the value of a variable (read from a Excel file converted Into text file) and put then back into Excel column
in thread How to read the value of a variable (read from a Excel file converted Into text file) and put then back into Excel column

Okk .... that's great ....It's working

I have modified my @files = grep { -f } (<*main_log>); to my @files = grep { -f } (<main_log*>); to Include all the existing main_log files so to search all the keywords. I got Into one Issue ... when one keyword (isim) has 2 values In the files to be searched .. how can I differentiate them Into the same excel .. probable using the 3rd column corresponding to the keyword and putting some text In the comments e.g. isim = 4 In column B with text -> READY_REQ in comments and 1 In column C with text check_sim_type result In commnets of respective cell. .. Is It possible to have differentiation in this way?

8116 D: check_sim_type result, usim = 1, isim = 1, ch id = 1, 8116 D send : READY_REQ isim = 4 8077 8116 D type hexa usim = 1, isim = 1 8077 8116 D type hexa usim = 1, isim = 1 pcscf_v4 : num = 2, protocol_type = 0x21, port_num = 0, addr = 10.56.5 +.85 8088 1223 D temp sim_invalid = 0 8099 1223 XX is_ems_support = 1 #88 8099 1224 XX pdn_act_ind->pcscf_discovery_flag = 1 ind->signaling_flag = 1 some text here plmn = 405872 DefaultStatusBarPlmnPlugin: into updateCarrierLabel ipv6 = get_ipv6_prefix,temp ipv4 = _send_ipv4_notify info.is_ems_support = 1 act_ind->emergency_indication = 1 access_rat_type = 0 transaction_id = 2, rat_type = 0 signaling_flag = 1, ran_type = 0
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Re^12: How to read the value of a variable (read from a Excel file converted Into text file) and put then back into Excel column
by poj (Abbot) on Feb 24, 2017 at 19:22 UTC

    Change this sub to shift right existing entries and add comment

    # update sheet sub update_sheet { my ($kw,$value,$comment) = @_; my ($sht,$r,$c) = @{$kwhashref->{$kw}}[0..2]; my $sel = $Book->Worksheets($sht)->Cells($r,$c+1); $sel->Insert({ Shift => -4161}); # xlToRight $sel->{Value} = $value; $sel->AddComment( { Text=> $comment } ); $kwhashref->{$kw}[3] = $value; # for debugging }

    Add the extra comment parameter into the update_sheet call in 2 places here

    if (/($re).*addr = ([.\d]+)/){ print "LIne $line_no kw=[$1] value=[$2] special\n"; update_sheet($1,$2,$_); next; } # match more than 1 per line e.g. usim and isim while (/($re)[ =]*([.\d]+)/g){ print "Line $line_no kw=[$1] value=[$2]\n"; update_sheet($1,$2,$_); }

    As written it stores the whole line in the comment. I'll leave it to you to filter it as required

      thank you ! I have got the data I wanted for these keywords but when t +rying to get the more generic output ,I got the below tiny errors whe +n I Issued large Input data A. As there was special handling of addr field In keyword pcscf_v6 to pic +k up the value but when my Input data has below value for src IP = & dst = It;s picki +ng up only fields 2405 src = 2405:200:330:1581::1b:5067 dst = 2405:204:198f:c88d::2014:e8a1:50048 B. I am not able to get the value of variable ip_type = (Shoule pick u +p automatically) ip_type = IPV4V6 integrity_algo = hmac-md5 encry_algo = aes-cbc C. I am not able to get the value of variable private_uid = (may be + bacause of too many spaces between Variable & = sign) private_uid = D. the below vairable Is picking up Incorrect value (i.e. 0) (may be b +ecause of : sign rather than = sign) [CM]struct_no:0x57 [IM]struct_verno:0x58 E. Not able to get values of these variables (may be because of under +[] sign) profile.associated_uri = profile.home_uri = profile.imei = profile.private_uid = profile.public_uid = evs_mode_switch = EVS payload type= Not sure , but can we somehow generalize to pick the value Irrespecitv +e of length say until we reach , sign starting next variable.
      My Latest Input data 8077 8116 D type hexa usim = 1, isim = 1 8077 8116 D type hexa usim = 1, isim = 1 pcscf_v4 : num = 2, protocol_type = 0x21, port_num = 0, addr = 10.56.5 +.85 8088 1223 D temp sim_invalid = 0 8099 1223 XX is_ems_support = 1 #88 8099 1224 XX pdn_act_ind->pcscf_discovery_flag = 1 ind->signaling_flag = 1 some text here plmn = 405872 DefaultStatusBarPlmnPlugin: into updateCarrierLabel ipv6 = get_ipv6_prefix,temp ipv4 = _send_ipv4_notify info.is_ems_support = 1 act_ind->emergency_indication = 1 access_rat_type = 0 transaction_id = 2, rat_type = 0 signaling_flag = 1, ran_type = 0 3750 3771 I read from , ip_type = IPV4V6, src = 2405:204:198f:c88d::2014:e8a1:50048, dst = 2405:200:330:1581::1b +:5067 profile.private_uid =[001001000010459@ims.mnc001.mcc001.3gppnetwork] [CM]struct_no:0x57 [IM]struct_verno:0x58 integrity_algo = hmac-md5 encry_algo = aes-cbc profile.associated_uri =[sip:+917011021677@ims.mnc872.mcc405.3gppnetwo,tel:+917011021677] profile.home_uri =[] profile.imei =[351901039128255] profile.private_uid =[405872000010459@ims.mnc872.mcc405.3gppnetwork] profile.public_uid =[sip:+917011021677@ims.mnc872.mcc405.3gppnetwo] evs_mode_switch = (0) EVS payload type=(127)
      Latest Program #!perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dump 'pp'; use Win32::OLE; $Win32::OLE::Warn = 3; # get already active Excel application or open new my $Excel = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Excel.Application') || Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application', 'Quit'); # open Excel file my $dir = "E:\\Automation Related\\Perl Scripts - ALL\\IMS_debugging\\ +Excel\\"; my $excelfile = 'UE_NW_Parameters.xlsx'; my $Book = $Excel->Workbooks->Open($dir.$excelfile) or die Win32::OLE->LastError(); # get keywords my $kwhashref = get_keywords($Book); # create regex my $match = join '|',map{quotemeta} keys %$kwhashref; my $re = qr/$match/; #print $re; # search files and update workbook my @files = grep { -f } (<main_log*>); for my $file (@files){ my $line_no = 0; print "Reading $file\n"; open my $fh, '<', $file or die $!; while (<$fh>){ chomp; ++$line_no; # Original # # special pcscf_v4 extract addr # if (/($re).*addr = ([.\d]+)/){ # print "Line $line_no kw=[$1] value=[$2] special\n"; # update_sheet($1,$2); # next; # } # # match more than 1 per line e.g. usim and isim # while (/($re)[ =]*([.\d]+)/g){ # print "Line $line_no kw=[$1] value=[$2]\n"; # update_sheet($1,$2); # } if (/($re).*addr = ([.\d]+)/){ print "LIne $line_no kw=[$1] value=[$2] special\n"; update_sheet($1,$2,$_); next; } # match more than 1 per line e.g. usim and isim while (/($re)[ =]*([.\d]+)/g){ print "Line $line_no kw=[$1] value=[$2]\n"; update_sheet($1,$2,$_); } } close $fh; } #pp $kwhashref; # debug # save as new spreadsheet $Book->SaveAs($dir.'updated_'.$excelfile); $Book->Close; # update sheet # original # sub update_sheet { # my ($kw,$value) = @_; # my ($sht,$r,$c) = @{$kwhashref->{$kw}}[0..2]; # $Book->Worksheets($sht)->Cells($r,$c+1)->{Value} = $value; # $kwhashref->{$kw}[3] = $value; # for debugging # } sub update_sheet { my ($kw,$value,$comment) = @_; my ($sht,$r,$c) = @{$kwhashref->{$kw}}[0..2]; my $sel = $Book->Worksheets($sht)->Cells($r,$c+1); $sel->Insert({ Shift => -4161}); # xlToRight $sel->{Value} = $value; $sel->AddComment( { Text=> $comment } ); $kwhashref->{$kw}[3] = $value; # for debugging } # get keywords sub get_keywords { my ($book) = @_;; my %word = (); for my $sht (1..$book->Worksheets->Count){ my $Sheet = $book->Worksheets($sht); # determine position of keywords # $Sheet->UsedRange->Value; my $rng = $Sheet->UsedRange->Address( { ReferenceStyle => -4150 } ); # R1C1:R2C2 my ($r1,$c1,$r2,$c2) = ($rng =~ m/[RC](\d+)/g); $r2 = $r2 || $r1; $c2 = $c2 || $c1; print "Sheet $sht Range $rng r1=$r1 c1=$c1 r2=$r2 c2=$c2\n"; # build keyword hash storing cell position for my $c ($c1..$c2){ for my $r ($r1..$r2){ my $val = $Sheet->Cells($r,$c)->Value || ''; if ($val){ $word{$val} = [$sht,$r,$c]; # sheet row col } } } } return \%word; }
      My Latest Keywords isim = usim = sim_invalid = pcscf_discovery_flag signaling_flag ran_type emergency_ind rat pcscf_v4 pcscf_v6 plmn is_ems_support ipv4 ipv6 ip_type = public_uid = private_uid = [IM]struct_verno: [CM]struct_no: cell_id = rat type = VT_SUPPORT = WFC_SUPPORT = rat_type: check_nw_im_cn_signaling_flag = access RAT = src IP = dst IP = profile.associated_uri = profile.home_uri = profile.imei = profile.private_uid = profile.public_uid = evs_mode_switch = EVS payload type= port = src = dst = spi = ck = ik = integrity_algo = protocol = encry_algo = EIMS:

        A & B & D - see perlretut. Expand the addr regex to include more than just digits

        if (/($re).*addr = ([.\da-fA-F:]+)/){

        and the other to include all character up to a comma

        while (/($re)[ =]*([^,]+)/g){

        C & E- Standardize your keywords to a single space private_uid = and process the input lines to collapse multiple spaces down to one

         s/ +/ /g;    # remove multiple spaces

        I suspect as a result of expanding the value regex you will capture things you then want to exclude. I have added a basic cleanup sub for you to expand as required. Full changes are

        for my $file (@files){ my $line_no = 0; print "Reading $file\n"; open my $fh, '<', $file or die $!; while (<$fh>){ chomp; ++$line_no; s/ +/ /g; # remove multiple spaces # special pcscf_v4 extract addr if (/($re).*addr = ([.\da-fA-F:]+)/){ my $msg = update_sheet($1,$2,$_); print "Line $line_no $msg special\n"; next; } # match more than 1 per line e.g. usim and isim while (/($re)[ =]*([^,]+)/g){ my $msg = update_sheet($1,$2,$_); print "Line $line_no $msg\n"; } } close $fh; } # update sheet sub update_sheet { my ($kw,$value,$comment) = @_; my $clean = cleanup($kw,$value); my ($sht,$r,$c) = @{$kwhashref->{$kw}}[0..2]; my $sel = $Book->Worksheets($sht)->Cells($r,$c+1); $sel->Insert({ Shift => -4161}); # xlToRight $sel->{Value} = $clean; $sel->AddComment( { Text=> $comment } ); $sel->Comment->Shape->TextFrame->{ AutoSize } = 1; $kwhashref->{$kw}[3] = $value; # for debugging $kwhashref->{$kw}[4] = $clean; # for debugging return "kw=[$kw] value=[$value] clean=[$clean]"; } # remove unwanted chars from value sub cleanup { my ($kw,$value) = @_; # generic cleansing $value =~ s/[\[\]]//g; # remove all [] brackets $value =~ s/^\s+//g; # remove leading whitespace $value =~ s/\s+$//g; # remove trailing whitespace # specific cleansing #if ($kw =~ //){ # $value =~ s///g #} return $value; }

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