#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Switch; use Net::Telnet(); my ($host,$hostname,$username, $passwd, $Eleprompt,$t,@output); $host = q(; $username = q(user_name); $passwd = q(My_Password); $Eleprompt = q(RP\/0\/RSP0\/CPU0:LCK-MPL-PE-RTR-225\#); eval { if($t = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 20, Prompt => $Eleprompt)) { print "Got the expected prompt for $hostname\n"; } print "connection status = $t\n"; $t->open($host); my $CS = $t->login($username, $passwd); print "login status = $CS\n"; @commandoutput1 = $t->cmd("admin show environment leds"); print "output is = @commandoutput1 \n"; @commandoutput2 = $t->cmd("show isis neighbors"); print "output is = @commandoutput2 \n"; }; if($@) { print "since we got error w.r.t shell prompt for the IP $host, we are proceeding with next device\n - $@"; next; }