in reply to Re^2: Perl::Critic policy for common Log::Log4perl mistake
in thread Perl::Critic policy for common Log::Log4perl mistake

Then add this to your test:

sub fib_no_log { my @fibonacci = (0, 1); my ($n, $sum) = (1, 0); while ($n < 1_000_000) { $n = $fibonacci[$#fibonacci] + $fibonacci[ $#fibonacci - 1 ]; push @fibonacci, $n; $sum += $n if (($n % 2) == 0); } return $sum; } ... 'fib_no_log' => sub { fib_no_log() },

and you will get this result:

Rate fib_log_buffer fib_log_buffer_is_chk f +ib_no_log fib_log_buffer 11712/s -- -13% + -68% fib_log_buffer_is_chk 13525/s 15% -- + -63% fib_no_log 36540/s 212% 170% + --

Why? Because even the call to is_debug takes twice as long as the rest, the "meat" of your loop. Obviously you should have a perl_critic rule to warn from use of log4perl at all. Or avoid artificial benchmarks ;-)