#!/usr/bin/perl -wT ########################################################################## ########################################################################## ## ## bivnn.cgi - an enhanced view of PerlMonks Newest Nodes ## Author: Blake Mills (blakem on perlmonks) ## Version: 0.01 ## Date: 09/30/2001 ## ## ## released for redistribution and/or modification under the same terms as ## Perl itself ## ## Requires the Perlmonks.pm modules which can be found at ## http://www.cerias.purdue.edu/homes/zamboni/perlmonks.html ## http://perlmonks.org/index.pl?node_id=31092 ## ########################################################################## ########################################################################## BEGIN { # This dir needs to be writable by your webserver. # You cookie and cache of node information will be stored here # $ENV{HOME} = $ENV{PERLMONKS_RCDIR} = '/tmp'; } use strict; use lib '/custom/dir/for/perllibs'; use CGI; use POSIX; use PerlMonks::NewestNodes; # uncomment for development # use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); ############# User Configurable Settings ############# ### ### # You'll need to set four things before this will run: # 1.) set the dir in the BEGIN{} block above # 2.) change the '!#perl' line and 'usr lib' line to match your setup # 3.) $USER # 4.) $PASSWD # The remaining settings are non-critical display preferences # perlmonks users name my $USER = 'blakem'; # perlmonks password my $PASSWD = 'mypassword'; # show nodes whose parents are already shown? my $SHOWCHILDREN = 1; # temporarily set to 1 and reload a few times if you are having cookie problems my $RESETCOOKIE = 1; # show nodes counts for each category my $SHOWCATEGORYCOUNTS = 1; # show counts of children for each node my $SHOWCHILDCOUNTS = 1; # show oldest nodes first (reverse of the order on the real 'Newest Nodes' page my $OLDESTFIRST = 0; # method to submit forms as (I like to develop with 'GET' but 'POST' in prod) my $FORMMETHOD = 'POST'; # settings for 'Set Flag to $N Hours Ago' select box my $DEFAULTHOURLYOFFSET = 3; my $MAXHOURLYOFFSET = 48; # URL for perlmonks my $PMURL = 'http://www.perlmonks.org'; my $PMURLINDEX = "$PMURL/index.pl"; # "I've checked all of these" button really means # "Set my nn flag to the time I loaded the page - $FUDGETIMEDELTA seconds" # Its a (probably unnecessary) window to make sure no nodes slip through. my $FUDGETIMEDELTA = 10; # ugh... The data sent for 'Showing nodes created since X' is I believe # set to vrooms localtime... To convert it into your localtime I # add $VROOMGMT hours to get GMT, then localtime() to display it for you # tinker with this var if the data shown is out of whack for you my $VROOMGMT = -5; # url this script is located... only use if $q->url isn't working my $SELFURL = undef; # These are category specific settings... The keys are the category names # as used in the XML feed. The data in the array is: # [ $displayorder, $haschildren, $categoryname ] # # The categories are ordered based on $displayorder. A negative # value will prevent that catetory from displaying at all. # # $haschildren works with $SHOWCHILDCOUNTS to selectively show child counts # for each node # # $category name is simply the header text shown for that category my %category = ( 'perlmeditation' => [ 0, 1, 'New Meditations'], 'monkdiscuss' => [ 1, 1, 'New Discussion'], 'perltutorial' => [ 2, 1, 'New Tutorials'], 'perlquestion' => [ 3, 1, 'New Questions'], 'categorized question' => [ 4, 1, 'New Categorized Questions'], 'categorized answer' => [ 5, 1, 'New Categorized Answers'], 'snippet' => [ 6, 1, 'New Snippets'], 'sourcecode' => [ 7, 1, 'New Code'], 'perlcraft' => [ 8, 1, 'New Craft'], 'CUFP' => [ 9, 1, 'New Cool Uses for Perl'], 'obfuscated' => [10, 1, 'New Obfuscation'], 'review' => [11, 1, 'New Reviews'], 'bookreview' => [12, 1, 'New Book Reviews'], 'modulereview' => [13, 1, 'New Module Reviews'], 'poem' => [14, 1, 'New Poetry'], 'perlnews' => [15, 0, 'New Perl News'], 'note' => [16, 1, 'New Notes'], 'tutorial' => [17, 1, 'New Misc. Tutorials'], 'user' => [-1, 0, 'New Users'], ); ### ### ########### End User Configurable Settings ########### # order the categories in the manner described above my @categoryorder = grep {$category{$_}[0]>=0} (sort {$category{$a}[0] <=> $category{$b}[0]} (keys %category)); # create a CGI object and a PerlMonks::NewestNodes object my $q = CGI->new; my $n = PerlMonks::NewestNodes->new; # what URL are we installed as my $selfurl = $SELFURL || $q->url; # login to perlmonks login(); # deal with the lastchecked buttons if needed process_lastchecked(); # generate %{$nodesbytype} which is our main data structure # see generate_nodesbytype() for details my $nodesbytype = generate_nodesbytype(); # print out the page print $q->header(); print $q->start_html(-title=>'bivnn.cgi -- PerlMonks Newest Nodes', -BGCOLOR=>'white'); print html_body(); print $q->end_html; ########### SUBS ########### sub login { # if you already have a cookie set, use it to log in otherwise # attempt a username/password login. my $resetcookie = $RESETCOOKIE || shift; if ($resetcookie || !-f $n->COOKIE_FILE) { $n->add_pm_cookies(); $n->{cookie_jar}->clear; $n->login($USER,$PASSWD); } else { $n->add_pm_cookies(); } return 1; } sub process_lastchecked { # Slightly modified routines taken from PerlMonks::NewestNodes # Removed the part dealing with local "threads" if ($q->param('pageloadtime')) { my $pageloadtime = $q->param('pageloadtime') - $FUDGETIMEDELTA; if ($q->param('clearNNflag')) { my $resp=$n->post_form($n->NN_CLEAR_URL, node_id => "3628", pageloadtime => "$pageloadtime", displaytype => "display", viewedNewNodes => "I've checked all of these" ); if ($resp->is_success) { return 1; } else { $@=$resp->status_line; return; } } elsif ($q->param('resetNNflag')) { my $resp=$n->post_form($n->NN_CLEAR_URL, node_id => "3628", pageloadtime => "$pageloadtime", displaytype => "display", clearNewNodesFlag => "Clear my last checked flag" ); if ($resp->is_success) { return 1; } else { $@=$resp->status_line; return; } } elsif ($q->param('setNNflag')) { $pageloadtime = time() - $q->param('hourlyoffset')*60*60; my $resp=$n->post_form($n->NN_CLEAR_URL, node_id => "3628", pageloadtime => "$pageloadtime", displaytype => "display", viewedNewNodes => "I've checked all of these" ); if ($resp->is_success) { return 1; } else { $@=$resp->status_line; return; } } } return 1; } sub generate_nodesbytype { # $nodesbytype is our main data structure... # it is a ref to a HoA keyed by category, containing info on new nodes. # well, really by "$category" and "$category-child" # # example usage: # # $category = 'monkdiscuss'; # $node = $nodesbytype->{$category}->[0]; # $nodeid = $node->{node_id}; # $title = $node->{content}; # $authid = $node->{author_user}; # $authname = $node->{authname}; # $children = $node->{children}; # $createtime = $node->{createtime}; # $parentid = $node->{parent_node}; # $nodetype = $node->{nodetype}; my $nodesbytype; # get info on new nodes my @newnodes = $n->get_and_cache_nodes($n->NN_XML_URL, 1); my $nodeinfo = $n->query_nodes(@newnodes); my %nodeids = map {$_ => 1} @newnodes; # calculate a childcount for each node my %childcount; if ($SHOWCHILDCOUNTS) { $childcount{$_->{parent_node}}++ for (grep {$_->{parent_node}} (values %$nodeinfo)); } # lookup info on the authors of the nodes my %seenuserid; my @userids = grep {!$seenuserid{$_}++} map {$nodeinfo->{$_}{author_user}} @newnodes; my $userinfo = $n->query_nodes(@userids); # generate our category keyed hash while adding child-count and author's # name to each $node for my $node (values %$nodeinfo) { my $key = $node->{nodetype}; $key .= '-child' if $node->{parent_node} && $nodeids{$node->{parent_node}}; $node->{authname} = $userinfo->{$node->{author_user}}->{content}; $node->{children} = $childcount{$node->{node_id}} || 0; push (@{$nodesbytype->{$key}},$node); } return $nodesbytype; } sub html_body { # generate our the body of our html # calls generate_category_html twice, once to process the parentless # nodes (the ones we primarily care about) and once for nodes that # already have a parent showing my $html; my $nodesdisplayed = 0; $html .= generate_category_html($_,0,$nodesdisplayed) for (@categoryorder); if ($SHOWCHILDREN) { $html .= $q->hr; $html .= generate_category_html($_,1,$nodesdisplayed) for (@categoryorder); } $html .= generate_checkedflag_buttons($nodesdisplayed); return $html; } sub generate_category_html { # create the html for an individual category or "category-child" # if second param is true my ($category,$alreadysawparent) = @_; # determine which $key in $nodesbytype we are interested in my $key = $category; $key .= '-child' if $alreadysawparent; # don't display anything if we have no new nodes in this category return '' unless $nodesbytype->{$key}; # get a count of the number of nodes in this section my $nodecount = @{$nodesbytype->{$key}}; # update the passed-by-reference third param to reflect total nodecount $_[2] += $nodecount; # slightly evil.... ;-) # text displayed for this section my $categoryname = $category{$category}[2] || $category; $categoryname .= ' -- children' if $alreadysawparent; $categoryname .= " ($nodecount)" if $SHOWCATEGORYCOUNTS; # order the nodes based on creation time my @sortednodes = sort {$b->{createtime} <=> $a->{createtime}} @{$nodesbytype->{$key}}; @sortednodes = reverse @sortednodes if $OLDESTFIRST; # is this category configured to show child counts my $childcountsincat = $category{$category}[1]; # make the HTML my $html; $html .= $q->h3($categoryname); $html .= "\n"; for my $node (@sortednodes) { my $nodeid = $node->{node_id}; my $title = $node->{content}; my $authid = $node->{author_user}; my $authname = $node->{authname}; my $children = $node->{children}; $html .= qq{ \n}; } $html .= "
}; $html .= qq{$title}; $html .= qq{ ($children)} if $SHOWCHILDCOUNTS && $childcountsincat; $html .= qq{}; $html .= qq{by $authname}; $html .= qq{

\n"; return $html; } sub generate_checkedflag_buttons { # create the HTML for the lastchecked buttons my $nodesdisplayed = shift; # get timestamp for 'pageloadvar' i.e. all nodes shown are "older" than this # when "I've Checked all of these" is clicked, this will be the new # cutoff for nodes shown my $time = time(); # parse the pageload time to determine what the cutoff point is for # the current batch of nodes. Unfortunately this is not given # as a simple timestamp, so we must jump through a few hoops... # it starst off looking like '20010930101046' ... my $lastchecked = $n->{cache_nn}{INFO}{lastchecked}; # we then parse out the fields, decrement the month # and subtract 1900 from the year my @datefields = reverse ($lastchecked =~ m|^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})|); $datefields[4]--; $datefields[5]-=1900; # we then convert to a unixtimestamp while offsetting by # $VROOMGMT hours. This seems to work for me, but you # might have to fiddle around with it my $lastcheckedts = POSIX::mktime(@datefields) + $VROOMGMT*60*60; my $datestring = localtime($lastcheckedts); # create a pretty string telling us how long ago our flag was set my ($dago,$hago,$mago) = (gmtime($time - $lastcheckedts))[7,2,1]; my $hoursago; $hoursago .= "$dago " . ($dago == 1 ? 'day ' : 'days ') if $dago; $hoursago .= "$hago " . ($hago == 1 ? 'hour ' : 'hours ') if $hago; $hoursago .= "$mago " . ($mago == 1 ? 'minute ' : 'minutes ') if $mago; $hoursago .= " ago"; # check for plural: '1 node' vs '2 nodes' my $ndtext = $nodesdisplayed . ($nodesdisplayed==1 ? ' node' : ' nodes'); # make the HTML my $html; $html .= qq{Showing $ndtext created since $datestring ($hoursago)
\n}; $html .= qq{

\n}; $html .= qq{ \n}; $html .= qq{ \n}; $html .= qq{

\n}; $html .= qq{ \n}; $html .= qq{ \n}; $html .= qq{

\n}; $html .= qq{
by blakem\n}; return $html; }