#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use CGI qw/:standard/; my $verbose=param('verbose') || 0; my $code1 = param('code1'); my $code2 = param('code2'); print header, start_html( -title => "The Perl Geek Code... diffed", -bgcolor => "#FFFFFF"), h1( "The Perl Geek Code... diffed"), hr; print p( strong ( "The Perl Geek Code - Version 0.01")); unless ($code1 and $code2) { print start_form; print "Enter your old geek code:" . br; print textarea( -name => 'code2', -rows => 5, -cols => 45, ), p; print "Enter your new geek code:" . br; print textarea( -name => 'code1', -rows => 5, -cols => 45, ), p; print "What output do you want:" . br; my %options = ( 0 => 'Only tell me what\'s changed.', 1 => 'Also tell me what hasn\'t changed', 2 => 'Even remind me what I don\'t get paid for.' ); print popup_menu( -name=>'verbose', -values=>[0..2], -labels=>\%options, ),p; print submit, endform; exit(); } $code1=~ s/^\s*-+BEGIN PERL GEEK CODE BLOCK-+\s*\n\s*Version: \d\.\d+\s*\n//; $code1=~ s/\s*-+END PERL GEEK CODE BLOCK-+\s*$//; $code2=~ s/^\s*-+BEGIN PERL GEEK CODE BLOCK-+\s*\n\s*Version: \d\.\d+\s*\n//; $code2=~ s/\s*-+END PERL GEEK CODE BLOCK-+\s*$//; open( DESC, "<./pgc_desc") or die "cannot open desc file: $!"; my %desc; #my %desc= map { split /[\t\n]/ } ; #I used to say I often try to use map, but as soon as I have a problem in the code I replace it with a foreach but now I say I know the difference between map and grep... in theory. foreach () { chomp; my ($key, $value) = split(/\t/,$_,2); $desc{$key} = ($key=~/\W/) ? ''.$value.'' : $value; } close DESC; my %code1 = parseCode( $code1 ); my %code2 = parseCode( $code2 ); # Compare common keys foreach my $key ( sort keys %code1 ) { # do individuals last next unless $code2{$key}; # dont talk if they match if ($code1{$key}{code} eq $code2{$key}{code}) { if ($verbose) { print '


\n"; printf("Code: %s",$code2{$key}{code}); print "
\n"; if($code1{$key}{range}){ printf("My tendencies still range from %s to %s. ", $desc{$key.$code2{$key}{level}}, $desc{$key.$code2{$key}{range}} ); } else { print "I still say " . $desc{$key.$code1{$key}{level}} . '. '; } my $paid = ($code1{$key}{'paid'}) ? "I get paid for it. " : ($verbose > 1) ? "I don't get paid for it. " : ''; print $paid; print "I'd like to be able to say " . $desc{$key.$code2{$key}{wannabe}} . '. ' if $code2{$key}{wannabe}; } delete $code1{$key}; delete $code2{$key}; next; } # otherwise compare them print '


\n"; printf("Old: %s New: %s",$code2{$key}{code}, $code1{$key}{code}); print "
\n"; # compare the levels unless ( $code1{$key}{range} eq $code2{$key}{range} and $code1{$key}{level} eq $code2{$key}{level} ) { if($code2{$key}{range}){ printf("My tendencies used to range from %s to %s", $desc{$key.$code2{$key}{level}}, $desc{$key.$code2{$key}{range}} ); } else { print "I used to say " . $desc{$key.$code2{$key}{level}}; } print " but now I say "; if($code1{$key}{range}){ printf("my tendencies range from %s to %s. ", $desc{$key.$code2{$key}{level}}, $desc{$key.$code2{$key}{range}} ); } else { print $desc{$key.$code1{$key}{level}} . '. '; } } elsif ($verbose) { if($code1{$key}{range}){ printf("My tendencies still range from %s to %s. ", $desc{$key.$code2{$key}{level}}, $desc{$key.$code2{$key}{range}} ); } else { print "I still say " . $desc{$key.$code1{$key}{level}} . '. '; } } unless ($code1{$key}{wannabe} eq $code2{$key}{wannabe}) { if ($code1{$key}{wannabe} and not $code2{$key}{wannabe}) { print "I used to attain to nothing but now I wish I could say " . $desc{$key.$code1{$key}{wannabe}} . '. '; } elsif ($code2{$key}{wannabe} and not $code1{$key}{wannabe}) { if (level2num($code1{$key}{level}) > level2num($code2{$key}{wannabe})) { print "My old ambition of being able to say " . $desc{$key.$code2{$key}{wannabe}} . " has been attained as " . $desc{$key.$code1{$key}{level}} . '. '; } elsif (level2num($code1{$key}{level}) == level2num($code2{$key}{wannabe})) { print "My old ambition of being able to say " . $desc{$key.$code2{$key}{wannabe}} . " has been attained. "; } else { print "I used to want to be able to say " . $desc{$key.$code2{$key}{wannabe}} . ", but I lost that ambition. "; } } else { print "I used to want to be able to say " . $desc{$key.$code2{$key}{wannabe}} . " but now I say " . $desc{$key.$code1{$key}{wannabe}} . '. '; } } elsif ($verbose and $code2{$key}{wannabe}) { print "I'd still like to be able to say " . $desc{$key.$code2{$key}{wannabe}} . '. '; } unless ($code1{$key}{paid} eq $code2{$key}{paid}) { if ($code1{$key}{paid} and not $code2{$key}{paid}) { print "I now get paid for it. " } elsif ($code2{$key}{paid} and not $code1{$key}{paid}) { print "I no longer get paid for it. " } else { printf("Something weird happened to the paid code: [%s] [%s]. ", $code1{$key}{paid}, $code2{$key}{paid}); } } elsif ($verbose and $code1{$key}{paid}) { print "I still get paid for it." } elsif ($verbose > 1 and not $code1{$key}{paid}) { print "I still don't get paid for it." } print "

\n\n"; delete($code1{$key}); delete($code2{$key}); } # Report on new tags foreach my $key ( sort keys %code1 ) { next unless $code1{$key}{code}; print '


\n"; printf("New: %s",$code1{$key}{code}); print "
\n"; print "I now say " . $desc{$key.$code1{$key}{level}} . '. '; print "I get paid for it. " if $code1{$key}{paid}; print "I wish I could say " . $desc{$key.$code1{$key}{wannabe}} if $code1{$key}{wannabe}; } # Report on forgotten tags foreach my $key ( sort keys %code2 ) { next unless $code2{$key}{code}; print '


\n"; printf("Old: %s",$code2{$key}{code}); print "
\n"; print "I no longer say " . $desc{$key.$code2{$key}{level}} . '. '; print "So I no longer get paid for it. " if $code2{$key}{paid}; print "And I've stopped wishing I could say " . $desc{$key.$code2{$key}{wannabe}} if $code2{$key}{wannabe}; } sub parseCode { my $code = shift; return () unless $code; my %return; foreach my $segment ( $code =~ m{(\w+\W*)}g ){ $segment=~s/\s+/ /gs; $segment=~s/(\W)\s+$/$1/gs; # warn $segment; my @thiscode = $segment =~ m{((\w+) # the item $2 ([*!? +-]+) # the level $3 (?:\>([*!? +-]+))? # optional >level $4 (?:\(([*! ?+-]+)\))? # optional (level) $5 (\@)? # optional @ $6 (\$)? ) # optional $ $7 }x; $segment =~ s/\@//g; # varies doesn't work yet die("Unable to parse $segment in $code") unless $thiscode[1]; $return{$thiscode[1]} = { level => $thiscode[2] || '', wannabe => $thiscode[3] || '', range => $thiscode[4] || '', varies => $thiscode[5] || '', paid => $thiscode[6] || '', code => $thiscode[0] || '', }; } return %return; } sub level2num { my $level = shift; return 0 if $level eq ' '; return ($level=~/\-/) ? -1 * length($level) : length ($level); }