sub CREATE_NEW_SESSION_ID { ######################################### # Joseph Harnish # # 1/29/2002 # # This creates a session ID # ######################################### ########################################### # I am getting a random length of the # # sessin id to make it harder to crack # ########################################### my $session_id_length = int( rand(14)) + 6; my $session_id = ""; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $session_id_length; $i++){ my $temp = int( rand(36)); if($temp > 9){ $temp = chr($temp + 55); my $upper_or_lower_rand = int( rand (2)); $temp = lc($temp) if($upper_or_lower_rand == 1); } $session_id .= $temp; } $sth= $dbh->prepare("select count(*) from WEB3_Session where session_id='$session_id'"); $sth->execute; my $num_of_sessions = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish; $session_id = CREATE_NEW_SESSION_ID () if ( $num_of_sessions > 0); return $session_id; }