use Benchmark 'cmpthese'; my $data = join'',; print untag($data), "\n\n\n", 'X' x 79, "\n\n\n", untagg($data), "\n\n\n", 'X' x 79, "\n\n\n",; warn "benchmarking the dumb way"; cmpthese(-3, { regex => sub { untag($data);}, parse => sub { untagg($data); }, }); warn "benchmarking the smart way"; warn "benchmarking the smart way"; use HTML::Parser; my $p = HTML::Parser->new( api_version => 3); my $ret =""; $p->handler(default => sub { $ret .= $_[0] if $_[1] eq 'text'},'text,event'); cmpthese(-3, { regex => sub { untag($data);}, parse => sub { $p->parse($data); }, }); sub untagg { local $_ = $_[0] || $_; require HTML::Parser; my $p = HTML::Parser->new( api_version => 3); my $ret =""; $p->handler(default => sub { $ret .= $_[0] if $_[1] eq 'text'} ,'text,event'); $p->parse($_); return($ret); } sub untag { local $_ = $_[0] || $_; # ALGORITHM: # find < , # comment , # or comment , # or one of the start tags which require correspond # end tag plus all to end tag # or if \s or =" # then skip to next " # else [^>] # > s{ < # open tag (?: # open group (A) (!--) | # comment (1) or (\?) | # another comment (2) or (?i: # open group (B) for /i ( TITLE | # one of start tags SCRIPT | # for which APPLET | # must be skipped OBJECT | # all content STYLE # to correspond ) # end tag (3) ) | # close group (B), or ([!/A-Za-z]) # one of these chars, remember in (4) ) # close group (A) (?(4) # if previous case is (4) (?: # open group (C) (?! # and next is not : (D) [\s=] # \s or "=" ["`'] # with open quotes ) # close (D) [^>] | # and not close tag or [\s=] # \s or "=" with `[^`]*` | # something in quotes ` or [\s=] # \s or "=" with '[^']*' | # something in quotes ' or [\s=] # \s or "=" with "[^"]*" # something in quotes " )* # repeat (C) 0 or more times | # else (if previous case is not (4)) .*? # minimum of any chars ) # end if previous char is (4) (?(1) # if comment (1) (?<=--) # wait for "--" ) # end if comment (1) (?(2) # if another comment (2) (?<=\?) # wait for "?" ) # end if another comment (2) (?(3) # if one of tags-containers (3) ]*)? # skip junk to ">" ) # end if (3) > # tag closed }{}gsx; # STRIP THIS TAG return $_ ? $_ : ""; } __DATA__ u h a h This title contains Perl but does not get changed.

This is some text containing the term 'perl'.

  1. Unix
  2. Perl
  3. Linux

Notice how the term perl in the following link doesn't change, but the text does.

> < > < > < ! ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ - 2 3 4 5 5 <>