use warnings; use strict; my $value = 0; my $from = ''; my $to = ''; my $prefix = ''; my %prefixes = (); %prefixes = ( mega => 6, kilo => 3, milli => -3, micro => -6, nano => -9, pico => -12, femto => -15, atto => -18, zepto => -21, yocto => -24, ); print "Enter the unit that you are starting with: "; chomp( $from = ); print "Enter your target unit: "; chomp( $to = ); print "Enter the numerical amount: "; chomp( $value = ); if ( not exists $prefixes{$from} ) { die qq/I don't know about the prefix $from\n/; } if ( not exists $prefixes{$to} ) { die qq/I don't know about the prefix $to\n/; } $prefix = $prefixes{$from} - $prefixes{$to}; print "$value $from is ", $value * (10**$prefix), " $to. \n"; #Output: C:\perl Enter the unit that you are starting with: mega Enter your target unit: kilo Enter the numerical amount: 10 10 mega is 10000 kilo.