sub ikegami3x { local $_ = ":$_[0]:"; my $parts = tr/:/:/ - 2; # take 2 here instead of -1 later my $re = '(?{ "" })' . '(:[^:]*)(?=:)(?{ $^R . $^N })' . '(?:.*(:[^:]*)(?=:)(?{ $^R . $^N })' x $parts . ')?' x $parts . '(?{ push @rv, substr($^R, 1) })' . '(?!)'; { use re 'eval'; $re = qr/$re/; } local our @rv; /$re/; return @rv; } #### sub rhesa2 { my @kw = split /:/, $_[0]; map { my @ar; my $t = 0; # initialize $t do { ($_ & 1) and push @ar, $kw[$t]; $t++; } while ($_ >>= 1); join ':', @ar; } ( 1 .. 2**@kw - 1 ); } #### source: horse:cow:dog:cat Rate ruzam ikegami3 ikegami2 ikegami3x rhesa2 rhesa ruzam 4620/s -- -61% -61% -61% -66% -66% ikegami3 11764/s 155% -- -0% -1% -12% -14% ikegami2 11819/s 156% 0% -- -1% -12% -13% ikegami3x 11935/s 158% 1% 1% -- -11% -13% rhesa2 13444/s 191% 14% 14% 13% -- -2% rhesa 13657/s 196% 16% 16% 14% 2% -- source: horse Rate ikegami3 ikegami3x ruzam ikegami2 rhesa rhesa2 ikegami3 40841/s -- -1% -37% -62% -64% -72% ikegami3x 41226/s 1% -- -37% -62% -64% -72% ruzam 65317/s 60% 58% -- -39% -43% -55% ikegami2 107178/s 162% 160% 64% -- -6% -26% rhesa 114470/s 180% 178% 75% 7% -- -21% rhesa2 145232/s 256% 252% 122% 36% 27% -- source: horse:cat Rate ruzam ikegami3 ikegami3x ikegami2 rhesa rhesa2 ruzam 26853/s -- -2% -7% -48% -53% -58% ikegami3 27324/s 2% -- -5% -47% -52% -58% ikegami3x 28732/s 7% 5% -- -45% -50% -55% ikegami2 51965/s 94% 90% 81% -- -9% -19% rhesa 57233/s 113% 109% 99% 10% -- -11% rhesa2 64472/s 140% 136% 124% 24% 13% -- source: horse:cow:cat Rate ruzam ikegami3 ikegami3x ikegami2 rhesa rhesa2 ruzam 10772/s -- -41% -42% -58% -61% -64% ikegami3 18305/s 70% -- -1% -28% -33% -38% ikegami3x 18436/s 71% 1% -- -27% -33% -38% ikegami2 25353/s 135% 39% 38% -- -7% -15% rhesa 27363/s 154% 49% 48% 8% -- -8% rhesa2 29753/s 176% 63% 61% 17% 9% -- source: horse:cow:dog:cat:mouse Rate ruzam rhesa ikegami2 rhesa2 ikegami3x ikegami3 ruzam 1632/s -- -67% -68% -73% -75% -75% rhesa 5021/s 208% -- -3% -17% -24% -24% ikegami2 5159/s 216% 3% -- -14% -22% -22% rhesa2 6023/s 269% 20% 17% -- -9% -9% ikegami3x 6614/s 305% 32% 28% 10% -- -0% ikegami3 6634/s 307% 32% 29% 10% 0% --