#!/usr/bin/perl # race.pl - example script for MouseRace.pm use MouseRace; use strict; use warnings; my $arena = new MouseRace( x => 15, y => 15, no_draw => 0, dump_arena => 0, load_arena => 0 ); $arena->add_mouse( colour => "blue" ); # works with incorrect spelling as well :) $arena->add_mouse( color => "red", solver => 'MouseRace::Random::solve' ); $arena->add_mouse( color => "green" ); $arena->run_mousy_run; #### # MouseRace.pm - a mouse racing module. package MouseRace; use strict; use warnings; use Language::Logo; use Data::Dumper; sub new { my %args = ( x => 15, y => 15 ); my ($class) = shift @_; (%args) = ( %args, @_ ); my $self = bless \%args, $class; my $backup_file=$self->{load_arena}=~/\D/?$self->{load_arena}:"ref.backup"; if ( $self->{load_arena} && -e $backup_file) { $self = do $backup_file; print "arena loaded\n"; } else { $self->{num_x} = $self->{x} + 1; $self->{width} = 20 * $self->{num_x}; $self->{height} = 20 + 20 * $self->{y}; $self->{referee} = { maze => delete $self->{maze} }; $self->make_maze; } if ( $self->{dump_arena} &&! $self->{load_arena}) { my $backup_file=$self->{dump_arena}=~/\D/?$self->{dump_arena}:"ref.backup"; delete $self->{dump_arena}; open( FH, ">$backup_file" ); print FH Data::Dumper->Dump( [$self] ); close FH; die 'arena backed up' . $/; } print "Optimum: " . $self->{referee}->{optimum} . $/ x 2; @{ $self->{mouse_positions} } = ( 20, 16, 24 ); $self->{directions} = { 1 => { name => "east", heading => "90" }, -1 => { name => "west", heading => "270" }, $self->{num_x} => { name => "south", heading => "180" }, -$self->{num_x} => { name => "north", heading => "0" }, }; for ( keys %{ $self->{directions} } ) { $self->{directions}->{ $self->{directions}->{$_}->{name} } = { heading => $self->{directions}->{$_}->{heading}, next => $_ }; } $self->draw_maze unless $self->{no_draw}; return $self; } sub make_maze { my $self = shift; my $ref = $self->{referee}; @{ $ref->{maze} } = ( ( 31, (15) x $self->{x} ) x $self->{y}, (31) x $self->{num_x} ); $ref->{position} = 0; while ( !$ref->{finish} ) { $ref->{maze}[ $ref->{position} ] |= 16; @{ $ref->{choices} } = grep /.$/ & !( $ref->{maze}[ $ref->{position} + $` ] & 16 ), -18, 11, $self->{num_x} . 4, -$self->{num_x} . 2; if ( scalar @{ $ref->{choices} } ) { $ref->{choices}[ rand @{ $ref->{choices} } ] =~ /.$/; push @{ $ref->{visited} }, $ref->{position}; $ref->{maze}[ $ref->{position} ] &= ~( 8 / $& ); $ref->{position} += $`; $ref->{maze}[ $ref->{position} ] &= 15 - $&; if ( $ref->{position} == ( ( $self->{x} * ( $self->{y} + 1 ) ) - 1 ) ) { $ref->{optimum}=(scalar( @{ $ref->{visited} } ) -1 ) } if ( ++$ref->{total_visited} == ( $self->{x} * $self->{y} ) ) { map { $_ &= 15 } @{ $ref->{maze} }; $ref->{maze}[0] = 31; $ref->{position} = $ref->{finish} = 1; } } else { $ref->{position} = pop @{ $ref->{visited} }; } } } sub draw_maze { my $self = shift; $self->{referee}->{logo} = new Logo( update => 1, width => $self->{width}, height => $self->{height} ); $self->{referee}->{logo}->cmd( "ht;xy 10 10;pd" . ( ( ";rt 90;fd " . ( $self->{x} * 20 ) . ";rt 90;fd " . $self->{y} * 20 ) x 2 ) . ";bk 20;rt 90;" ); $self->{referee}->{logo}->cmd( $_ % $self->{num_x} ? ( $self->{referee}->{maze}[$_] & 2 ? "pd" : "pu" ) . ";fd 20;lt 90;" . ( $self->{referee}->{maze}[$_] & 8 ? "pd" : "pu" ) . ";fd 20;bk 20;rt 90;" : "pu;bk " . ( $self->{x} * 20 ) . ";rt 90; fd 20;lt 90;" ) for 1 .. ( $self->{num_x} * $self->{y} ) - 1; } sub add_mouse { my %args = ( solver => 'MouseRace::DFS::solve', data => {} ); my $self = shift @_; (%args) = ( %args, @_ ); my $mouse = \%args; $mouse->{colour} ||= $mouse->{color}; if ( $#{ $self->{mice} } >= 2 ) { print "EMOUSE : $mouse->{colour} dropped - mice limit (3) reached\n"; } else { my $solver_package = $mouse->{solver}; if ( $solver_package =~ s#\:\:[^:]+$## ) { eval("require $solver_package") || die $@ if $mouse->{solver} =~ /::/; } else { $mouse->{solver} = "main::$mouse->{solver}"; } $mouse->{logo} = new Logo( update => 50, width => $self->{width}, height => $self->{height} ) unless $self->{no_draw}; # place mouse my $mp = shift @{ $self->{mouse_positions} }; $mouse->{logo} ->command( "color " . $mouse->{colour} . ";xy $mp $mp;rt 90;ps 2;pd" ) if $mouse->{logo}; $mouse->{position} = 1; $mouse->{heading} = 90; push @{ $self->{mice} }, $mouse; return $mouse; } } sub run_mousy_run { my $self = shift; my $ref = $self->{referee}; $self->{finished} = 0; while ( $self->{finished} < scalar( @{ $self->{mice} } ) ) { $self->{counter}++; for my $mouse ( @{ $self->{mice} } ) { next if $mouse->{finished}; my $position = $mouse->{position}; my $options; for ( my @a = grep /.$/ & !( $ref->{maze}[ $position + $` ] & ( $& + 16 ) ), -18, 11, $self->{num_x} . 4, -$self->{num_x} . 2 ) { chop; my $direction = $self->{directions}->{$_}; $options->{absolute}->{ $direction->{name} } = $_ + $position; # set up relative directions; my $diff = abs( $mouse->{heading} - $direction->{heading} ); $diff = !$diff ? "forward" : $diff == 180 ? "backward" : $mouse->{heading} > $direction->{heading} ? "left" : "right"; $options->{relative}->{$diff} = ( $_ + $position ) || 1; $options->{backtrack}->{ $_ + $position } = $direction->{name}; } my $next; eval( '$next=' . $mouse->{solver} . '($mouse->{data},$position,$options)' ) || print $@ unless $mouse->{finished}; if ($next) { if ( $options->{absolute}->{$next} ) { #print "ab: $next $mouse->{position}\n"; $mouse->{heading} = $self->{directions}->{$next}->{heading}; $mouse->{position} += $self->{directions}->{$next}->{next}; if ( $mouse->{logo} ) { $mouse->{logo}->cmd("sh $mouse->{heading};fd 20"); } } elsif ( $options->{relative}->{$next} ) { my $dir_hash = $self->{directions} ->{ $options->{relative}->{$next} - $mouse->{position} }; $mouse->{heading} = $dir_hash->{heading}; $mouse->{position} += $self->{directions}->{ $dir_hash->{name} }->{next}; if ( $mouse->{logo} ) { $mouse->{logo}->cmd("sh $mouse->{heading};fd 20"); } } else { print "ILLEGAL MOVE: $next; bad mouse ($mouse->{colour} at box $mouse->{position})\n"; } if ( $mouse->{position} == ( $self->{x} * ( $self->{y} + 1 ) ) - 1 ) { print "$mouse->{colour} " . ( !$self->{finished}++ ? "wins" : "finishes" ) . " in $self->{counter} moves\n"; $mouse->{finished}++; #$mouse->{logo}->disconnect; } } } my $z; select $z, $z, $z, 0.1 unless $self->{no_draw}; } $self->{referee}->{logo}->disconnect("finished") unless $self->{no_draw}; } 1; #### # MouseRace/DFS.pm - the default mouse solver routine - using depth first search package MouseRace::DFS; sub solve { my ( $self, $current, $choices ) = @_; $self->{visited}->{$current} = 1; my @options = grep { !$self->{visited}->{ $choices->{absolute}->{$_} } } keys %{ $choices->{absolute} }; if (@options) { push @{ $self->{path} }, $current; $choice = $options[ rand @options ]; } else { my $back = pop @{ $self->{path} }; $choice = $choices->{backtrack}->{$back}; } return $choice; } 1; #### # MouseRace/Random.pm - a random mouse solver package MouseRace::Random; sub solve { my ( $self, $current, $choices ) = @_; @choices = grep { !/backward/ } keys %{ $choices->{relative} }; return $choices[ rand @choices ] || "backward"; } 1; #### # $data -> a data hash for use as a persistent scratch pad # $current -> your current position (box #) # $options -> these is a data structure containing your available moves. #### { 'relative' => { 'left' => 165, 'backward' => 182 }, 'absolute' => { 'north' => 165, 'east' => 182 }, 'backtrack' => { '182' => 'east', '165' => 'north' } }; #### while($mouse_code_not_optimised){ $arena->add_mouse(solve=>$code_ref); $arena->run_mousy_run; optimise_code($code_ref); }