tqisjim has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I recently published a CPAN module called XML::Parser::Nodes. Basically, I'm moving code out of my personal libraries. I almost always/only code in OO Perl, and I've modified many common packages to provide a more reusable OO framework. For example, I usually subclass XML::Parser::Nodes any time I'm using XML.

The pedigree of XML::Parser goes back to Larry Wall himself, and I'm shocked at my chutzpah to imagine that I can publish an improvement. Well, maybe not shocked, but a little puzzled.

My puzzlement has given way to speculation: I realize my commitment to Perl is putting me within a tinier and tinier community of developers. But it just occured to me that it's worse than I thought, if I'm one of the *very* few that develops OO Perl applications.

Someone recently told me he didn't know Perl had OO capabilities, and I see very few discussions on the topic. If Perl OO actually never caught on (and I was too busy to notice), that would explain quite a few questions, like, why is it so easy for *others* to migrate to PHP?

This isn't so much a technical question. Posted here because presumably most of the monks have enough experience and longevity to offer a perspective about how Perl is used now and historically. Admittedly, my posts don't seem to attract much attention on PerlMonks. Maybe someone can recommend an alternative forum.

Anyway, does anyone have a firmer sense that they can share? Thanks!!!